Hash 1475 – Picnic Hash


7:30 pm - 11:00 pm


Combestone Tor Car Park
Between Holne & Hexworthy, Past Venford Reservoir, PL20 6SE
Hares: Whisperer & Fob Jockey
RA: To Be Confirmed
What 3 Words: bricks.blanking.deluded
On Down:

Picnic if sunny, bring your own food and beer.  Parking is limited, so share lifts if possible.  Can park in Venford Reservoir car park and get lift from there.

The Words according to DOGGY STYLE

Off we went to the middle of the moors, Combestone Tor: are we still in the South Hams? Who knows…and who cares? It was lovely to have a change.

Rizzo started with her ‘joke’, and – asking for any visitors or virgins – a lovely Teign hasher turned up and said to Rizzo “You know me”. I’m not sure Rizzo did, and I can’t remember her name either, but she is a Teign hasher and invited SH4 to come along to Teign for a Monday hash.

It was commented by hashers that tonight’s hash was too short, not hilly enough, too dry…the comments kept coming. Well done, Fob Jockey and Whisperer: what a lovely hash.

I have decided Whisperer is the best liar in terms of mileage (Ed. purported) of a hash: Longs was “6 miles”, but in truth 7.30 miles; Shorts a “4-ish” that was just over 5; and Walkers, well we can’t comment (Ed. but we will😉): we thought if we were going any lower, away from the Tor, we may have to ring the RAF to fly us back up to the top!

It was noted by the virgin RA, Gary Glitter, that it was National Chocolate Pudding Day, and Canoe Day. I think Overshot told Gary about Chocolate Pudding Day as he was noted stuffing his face with chocolate pud… We had a breakaway couple that didn’t join in until the Down Downs: Dimmers and Wetspot didn’t want to join in the hash picnic. Why? Is it because Shaggy tried drowning Wetspot, shock, horror?! (Ed. not sure if the sarcasm indicates that the universal response to Wetspot is to try and do away with him [which seems ever so slightly harsh…😆], or that I [Shaggy] present with the demeanour of someone with a penchant for murder…?). Wetspot ran over to say that he went to help Shaggy, so she didn’t slip into the water – next minute, she slipped in and Wetspot went to help her and Shaggy tried drowning him… See later notes on Shaggy story – and probably the truth.

Overshot fell over once, even though we think it’s twice. Shaggy fell over twice: first she ended up in gorse, ouch, then as she was heading to the water she thought Wetspot was going to push her in, she slipped and in she went… (Yes, WS was probably going to push you in, Shaggy, you were best to slip in so you could cure gorse rash and try and drown WS: ‘no-one saw anything’, so it was an accident!) (Ed. I actually didn’t fall in at that point, as it happens; it was another river crossing later on [so many great opportunities to sustain injuries on this hash…]. But why let facts get in the way of a story? Or a chance to accuse WS of some new scurrilousness 😘 …)

Re-entry was accused of cheating and short-cutting: what’s new? I hear you shout. Then, to add salt to the hash wounds, he went home early: lightweight.

On trail, there was a man was sat down by the Dart, quietly taking in the atmosphere of Dartmoor. He hadn’t realised he was sat next to a hash dot, so along come the gobbie Longs, “On on!”. That will teach the man to go looking for a quiet evening on the moor!

On the Shorts, Windyballs and Lowt’arse were doing well, and doing the checks, when the hare, Whisperer, said they were going the wrong way – but they weren’t. On on, they went, and did the Shorts – 5-plus miles, in a good time.

It was agreed that the hare seemed to have zig-zagged down the hill, in a Stella (-induced) sort of walk, or is that the way Whisperer normally walks…?

It was a fab evening, starting in gorgeous sunshine and a temp of 23 degrees, and finishing at 15 degrees with the mist rolling in.

Birthday song went to Gary G and WindyBalls.

Down Downs went to:
• Whisperer & Fob Jockey – Hares
• Gary Glitter – Birthday
• Wetspot – Near-drowning incident
• Nice Buns – nominated, and hasn’t been for two weeks (so basically a Returning Hasher 😆)
• Windyballs – Birthday
Next week’s hash is at BURRATOR and back to Walkhampton Pub….we seem to have a Dartmoor theme!

Doggy Style


🏃 📸 🍻 You can enjoy highlights from the breathtakingly beautiful COMBESTONE TOR hash on 26 June 2024 by checking out Hash Flash’s purpose-built photo album – but there’s also a fair proliferation of them on the SH4 Facebook Group , too, this week! 📸 🏃🍻



Next SH4 Hash 🐷👣:

HASH 1476 – BURRATOR QUARRY, 3 July 2024

Burrator Quarry carpark
What3Words: ///foreheads.nesting.unfocused

The Walkhampton Inn
PL20 6LY
What3Words: ///branching.stow.buildings

Hare: Triple Top
RA: Can’t Come
For full details, please see the Hash 1476 event page on the SH4 Facebook Group.

📝 If you’re the lucky Scribe at BURRATOR QUARRY next week, please submit your edition of The Words to thewords@sh4.org.uk by Sunday evening (7 July), ideally – TVM! 📝

Add your photos of how the evening went down (Weds 3 July, 2024) to the Hash 1476 photo album, when it has been conjured into being.

HASH DIARY – Upcoming Events


Saturday 21st September, 2024


🌟 🌟 🌟 Register here: https://bit.ly/RamboSM2024 🌟 🌟 🌟
OR scan the QR code, below:

SH4 MercHASHdise

Show your love for SH4 and wear your membership proudly with a bespoke SH4 car sticker!

Available exclusively to SH4 members (and, to be fair, anyone else who wants one…) for the bargain sum of £0.50 ea., you can afford one for every vehicle in your fleet! 😊

See Rizzo at the next meet for yours 👣


Combestone Tor Car Park
Between Holne & Hexworthy, Past Venford Reservoir, PL20 6SE
Hares: Whisperer & Fob Jockey
What 3 Words: bricks.blanking.deluded
On Down: Not set