Mismanagement Committee

It’s all “organised” by the Mismanagement Committee who get coerced into their roles at the yearly AGPU.  It’s like an AGM but with beer, better known as the Annual General Piss Up.  Some of these roles are a little fluid, so if you’ve been missed off the list and want to be included, please say so!

There’s also several Hashers who do lots of behind the scenes work to make things happen, you know who you are!

Organisational Roles

There’s always plenty of jobs to be done.  These Hashers pitch in to make things happen.

GM (Grand Mattress) - Doggy Stile

The GM calls everyone to order at the start of the Hash. Nominally in charge of the Mis Management Committee. Female post holders are known as the Grand Mattress for some reason.

Hash Cash - Blown Off


Hash Cash, (frequently unsung) hero of SH4, collects £2 weekly subs from PAYG hashers, annual membership fees, and funds for SH4’s always-hotly-anticipated programme of social events. Responsible for SH4’s financial record-keeping and reporting (stuff that baffles most of the rest of us!). A good person to know if you are planning a beer stop

Hash Words - Shaggy

The Hash Words editor Co-ordinates the writing and distribution of the weekly Words (Hash report) created by the Hash Scribes. Scribes to send their missives to thewords@sh4.org.uk

Social Sec - Filth

The Social Sec attempts to organise Social events, weekends away the Pre and Post xmas Hash bashes, camping trips and the like. Allegedly capable of organising intoxication in a Brewery, but only just.

Hon Sec - Olive

The Hon Sec keeps a note of who attends which Hash so you get your Hash count recorded towards our Milestone Hash T-Shirts, makes sure the AGPU runs smoothly. Does lots of important backroom stuff that most Hashers neither know nor care about unless it doesn’t get done.

Hare Razer - Pinky


The Hare Razer co-ordinates the Hash Trail diary. They have to ‘recruit volunteer Hares to lay each Hash. They love people coming up to say “I’d like to lay a Hash, what do I have to do?”

Hash Haz - Barbarella


The Hash Haz makes sure we keep to our Health and Safety Risk assessments and policies, a task akin to hearding jellied cats uphill. Hashers are by nature generally averse to being nannied, but in these times we (quite rightly) have to do the whole coronavirus risk assessment thing.

Counter Rusty Bottom

Rusty Bottom

The Hash Counters keep a count of all the runs you have done, for every 100 runs that you do you get a tee shirt.

hash Counter Ching Chong

Ching Chong

The Hash Counters keep a count of all the runs you have done, for every 100 runs that you do you get a tee shirt.

Hash Flash - Rubbery

The Official Hash Photographer is known as the Hash Flash.  They try their best to get fantastic action shots of people out in the beautiful countryside. Normally this goes out of the window and we get photos of people drinking in the pub.

Hash Haberdash - Doggy Stile

The Hash Haberdasher organises the ordering of ‘official’ SH4 Hash embroidered clothing and run T shirts. Just click on this link to order your named Hash branded clothing.


Hash Scribes
Write a weekly news report of the Hash trail.  Normally a candid and largely fictitious account of what happened out on the trail.  All Hashers should take a turn in this, normally in alphabetical order.


By rough rotation, Goolie, Olive, Overshot, Spotty Botty, Re Entry & Nice Buns give an impromptu verbal report about the Hash in the pub straight after the Hash. Generally around 83.2% of anything said will have no relation to actual events that happened. RAs may instigate a Naming or give out Down Downs (penalty drinks) for whatever takes their fancy. New RAs are always welcomed to the fold.

Hash Web - Whisperer

The Hash Webmaster sits up all night drinking coffee so you can see this website.