Hash 1491


7:30 pm - 11:00 pm


Dolphin Inn - Dartmouth
The Dolphin, Dartmouth, TQ6 9QE
Hares: Midnight Pepeys
RA: To Be Confirmed
What 3 Words:
On Down:

The Words according to OVERSHOT

🌟 👣 🌟
The Words According to Jyde Overshot
(Ed. I have edited with the lightest of touches this week, you will be pleased to hear – mainly on account of the Scribe having already done so much of the job for me…and because it’s integral to his theme 🙄😁)

HASH 1491 – Dartmouth DARTMO-UP-H
Circle Up and On Down: George and Dragon The Dolphin.
Hare: Midnight Pepeys* All Night Pepys (*taken from Whisperer’s Strava)
A Wet dry bunch of harriers circled up outside the former On Down location in surprisingly dry weather conditions, given the deluge of rain throughout the day which had, no doubt, soaked the poor hare and washed the trail away. Great applause for All Night Pepys for laying in such challenging conditions. 👏
I had found a joke for Rizzo to use, which would have been topical for the On Down location, but it wasn’t used due to the late change of location, or because it was a bad joke too good a joke for Rizzo. Here it is anyway, for you to decide:
What is the difference between St George and Rudolph the reindeer? One slays a dragon and the other is dragging the sleigh.
I can’t remember Rizzo’s joke, but the usual butt of the joke, Wetspot was pleased. He wasn’t there!
The GM then continued with her pleasantries, introduced some virgins, and collared Jyde to be the Scribe for the night; before he could protest, it was over to the Hare, who gave away the direction of the hash, to those in the know, by saying there was a beer stop – which those in the know knew was her house. She went on to explain dots were on the left, right, anywhere and that it was flat hilly.
Off the pack went into the night, all in the right direction wrong direction, led by Mr Softy and Ice Ice Baby, who had a great ice cream selling day not sold a single whippy ice-cream and were burning off their frustration. After spending 5 minutes trying to find the trail, during which time the GM admitted to me she had made a mistake by assigning Jyde the Scribe role – as he had already done it this year Hekkel had already done it twice this year – and asked would I do it, we found the trail immediately: a hard right after the Circle Up, and set off up and up, and more ups, to the Hare’s house and the beer stop. A big thank you to the All Night Pepys’ family, Gobby Desert and Bumfluff, for a tremendous beer stop, tremendous two beer stops: it was given away by our hosts that we would be coming back…

After a short ‘down’, we were again going up, up and, you guessed it, more up. The trail was easy to follow difficult for a few, with Dirty Nights yet again trusting her sense of direction and getting lost along with Lactaster, and Mr Softy ended up in the freezer aisle of Sainsbury’s (other supermarkets are available – well Lidl). This pleased Olive no end as this allowed her to overtake them – and also Gaffer, who had found the right direction but kept it to himself. After the 2nd beer stop, it was more up again before the welcome mile-downhill-sprint back into Dartmouth.
ReEntry went the wrong way and took a few of the Virgins with him but still won the hash. It’s not a race.
Other things to report from the hash by Olive the RA were:
Winnie was having problems running with her bra running without her bra and avoiding black eyes. Rusty Bottom and Little Chef were congratulated for their half-marathon endeavours last weekend, and their drinking of 13 pints immediately after and for both looking so good in photos afterwards Only Rusty was complimented, as Little Chef was allegedly still sleeping off a 3-day hangover from hell.
Olive admitted that she had mistakenly been calling a harrier the wrong name for weeks, and apologised to Knob Jockey Fob Jockey.
T-shirts were awarded to Squashed Balls for his wonderful moustache 500th hash, and to Ching Chong for doubling her age and reaching her 100th Hash.
Filth was praised for her great driving to the hash reprimanded for her awful driving by the RA. It was that bad that the RA had typed out the reprimand before even getting in the car!

The usual birthday song was sung to Bumfluff, who had entered his teens.

The pub was thanked, and Down Downs awarded to:
Midnight Pepeys* All Night Pepys – The hare;
Knob Jockey Fob Jockey – apology for trying to be renamed;
Hot Wheels Filth – for her driving;
Squashed Balls and Ching Chong – for their milestone achievements;
Winnie – for the lack of correct clothing;
Bumfluff – Birthday Boy but nominated his older brother, Square Eyes.

Finally, I would do anything for Sex, anything for Sex Wax. After hearing from her that she had left her torch on a gate to help guide the Longs at the previous week’s hash in Beesands, I vowed to get it back the next day, if it was still there. I reckoned the said gate was within reach of my now-weekly Brownies Run from Chillington, and worth the 6 miles of more Ups to shoehorn this into The Words. As you can see from the photos below: mission accomplished! What was odd was that someone had turned it off, as it still works – I am telling you the truth! This is not a wind-up. (Ed. *groan*)
On On to SALCOMBE, where we don’t need to bring any lights as apparently there is a whole field of them, but do bring some cash for the RNLI bucket.On On Lord Over…shot


🏃 📸 🍻 You can enjoy a choice selection of photos from the drenched Dartmouth hash on 16th October 2024 by checking out Hash Flash’s purpose-built photo album on the SH4 Facebook page 📸 🏃🍻


Next SH4 Hash 🐷👣:

HASH 1492 – SALCOMBE October 2024

The Fortescue Inn
Union Street
Tel: 01548 844686
What3Words: cello.teach.adventure

Suggested parking: Shadycombe Carpark, Shadycombe Road, Salcombe, Devon, TQ8 8QE
What3Words: shadowing.unguarded.armful

⚓ Please bring some cash for the charity bucket – SH4 will be fundraising in support of the RNLI this evening! ⚓
As above.

Hares: Ching Chong and Can’t Come
RA: Squashed Balls

Hash Food: Choice of Veg or Meat Chilli with Nachos.

For further info, please see the Hash 1492 event page on theSH4 Facebook Group.

📝 If you’re the lucky Scribe at SALCOMBE on 23rd October, please submit your edition of The Words to thewords@sh4.org.uk by Sunday evening (27th October), ideally – TVM! 📝

Add your photos of how the evening went down (Weds 23rd Oct, 2024) to the Hash 1492 photo album on SH4’s Facebook page , courtesy: Rubbery.

For the avoidance of any doubt, the mention of ‘patchy’ run totals in last week’s The Words email (& on SH4 Facebook group) is not in any way a reflection on Hekkel and Twisted Sister’s hard work over the years, rather an acknowledgment of the incomplete nature of data available from all historical run totals since 1998.

The committee is aware of discrepancies in run totals and is working hard to reconcile the data in order that these can be published for hash members to review, discuss with committee and have amended, as required.



SH4 1500 T-shirts


To celebrate our upcoming 1500th milestone Hash T-shirts and Vests will be available to order from Overshot, so find him at the hash, or comment on the post on SH4’s Facebook group to place an order:

Premium Contrast Just Cool T shirts- Men sizes only!- £19

Standard Just Cool T-Shirts- Mens + Ladies sizes- £17.50

Just Cool Vests- Mens + Ladies sizes- £16.50

Cotton T shirts Mens + Ladies sizes – £17.50


Payment to SH4 Bank Account:
Acc. no.: 00263482 Sort code: 30-94-72


HASH DIARY – Upcoming Events


1500th Hash – 30th Nov – 1st Dec 2024

If you have signed up for the Pre-Christmas Hash Weekend at Grenville House, Brixham, payment is now due – please pay your £40 pp to the SH4 account asap as payment is owed to the venue.

Payment to SH4 Bank Account:
Acc. no.: 00263482 Sort code: 30-94-72

If you have any questions/problems, or would like to sign up and haven’t yet, please see/contact Filth (sharpish! 😉).


POST-CHRISTMAS Hash Bash Weekend – 14th-16th February 2025

If you have booked your spot for this snazzy SH4 getaway but haven’t yet paid your deposit, please send your £50 asap to the SH4 bank account, quoting your hash name and ping a quick message to Hash Cash:

Payment to SH4 Bank Account:
Acc. no.: 00263482 Sort code: 30-94-72



Please make a note of the new SH4 hash phone number and add it to your phone:

🌟 SH4 hash phone number: 07922 103701 🌟

Use this number to call for assistance if you come ‘unstuck’ out on the trail, or need to get a message to ‘base camp’ (On Down) during the run .


🌟 Don’t forget to see Rusty Bottom or Ching Chong before the hash to log you out on trail using the new-fangled checking-out/checking-in app (developed by our very own digital-wizard, Whisperer).

Don’t forget to also check back in with the ‘On Secs you’re safely back. 🌟


There is now pretty hefty Health & Safety portion of the SH4 website: Stayin’ Alive – this has been created in response to calls for more robust health and safety considerations – and mechanisms – from the hash.

The committee accepts that to some these may seem excessive, while others may think they don’t go far enough. They are very much a work in progress, and (constructive 😘) feedback from the hash is very much welcomed.

Other areas that have been updated on the website are the home page (‘On Home’) – to include a ‘pocket guide’ to H&S; minor updates to the Hash Orders Rules and Expectations page (‘Hores [rules]’); and the ‘How to Lay a Trail’ page (‘Hide and Sweep’ section and incl. new ‘Hare Ye Well’ section at the end of the page).

Please do have a read and feel free to share your thoughts about how they might be further improved/clarified/(shortened!). Answers on a postcard…or, more effectively, submit via the website: gm@sh4.org.uk or speak directly to a member of the committee.

🍻🎉📣 AGPU 📣🎉🍻

This year’s Annual General P*ss Up (AGPU) is planned for 13th November, at the Station House Hotel and Cafe Bar, South Brent – more details to follow.

As per a conventional AGM, the entire Mis-management committee will stand down and nominations will be made for new committee members, any re-appointments and the GM role.

There will be sign-up sheets circulating in the pub at each SH4 hash from this week until the AGPU for you to jot your name down if you fancy taking on any of the committee roles.

Please do give some thought to stepping up to the committee, and feel free to chat to any members of the current committee (and/or past Mis-management) to find out a bit more about what each of the roles entails. This is your chance! 😊💪🏃


SH4 MercHASHdise

Show your love for SH4 and wear your membership proudly with a bespoke SH4 car sticker!

Available exclusively to SH4 members (and, to be fair, anyone else who wants one…) for the bargain sum of £0.50 ea., you can afford one for every vehicle in your fleet! 😊

See Rizzo at the next meet for yours 👣


Dolphin Inn – Dartmouth
The Dolphin, Dartmouth, TQ6 9QE
Hares: Midnight Pepeys
What 3 Words: Not set
On Down: Not set