On Down is at the Fortescue Inn Salcombe
Choice of Veg or Meat meat chilli with nachos, please bring cash as Ching Chong will be Collecting for Charity
The Words according to JYDE
Final call for SH4 1500 commemorative T-shirt orders (order and payment deadline of 1st November – see details, below);
🌟 If you are booked on the Pre-Xmas Hash weekend and have not yet paid your £40.00, please get in touch with Filth asap to settle up as payment is owed to the venue (please see full details, below); 🌟
🌟 If you are signed up for the Post-Xmas Hash Bash weekend in Torquay – or are not yet signed up but would like to go – please pay your £50.00 deposit by 31st October (see below for payment details) and get in touch with Filth to confirm.🌟
🌟 👣 🌟
All year I have been waiting, with bated breath, to be able to say “I did them on the 21st of January” when Rizzo brings up the inevitable question of who is ’volunteering’ to do the words. Turns out that I did do them on the 21st January… 2023. Time flies, it seems. (Ed. Thought every Scribe. Ever.)
So, here I am, fabricating ‘content’ from scraps of paper even the RA couldn’t decipher. Worse than that, I find I am unable to use Bold – already used for Hashers’ names; unable to use italics – already used skilfully by our editor; and, to top it all, I can’t now use strikethrough as it was used definitively by last week’s wordsmith, Overshot.
Anyway, moving on to the HASH:
The highlight, apart from – of course – the beautifully laid trail by Ching Chong, was undoubtedly the RNLI Field of Light. The ambient light of said field did nothing to diminish the usual illumination of hashers undressing in car parks. Maybe Rubbery could have chosen a less town-centre/brightly-lit car park sort of evening to go commando, undress, wear a kilt (nod to Overshot there). (Ed. but it did allow the liberally-daubed woad to really bring out the blue in his eyes…)
Back at the pub, Cinnamon Man (Ed. I think his proper title/he prefers ‘Cinnamon Adonis’, but we are an inclusive hash, and all spices are welcome – even those of a mortal persuasion) started the proceedings by thanking the pub.
Developing Overshot’s interpretation theme, the RA went on to offer the following translations (Ed. or transformations…):
Fortescue Inn ≈ Forty Skewers Inn
F1 race team ≈ Lowtarse
God’s Gift; Something Precious ≈ Jyde. What can I say? I didn’t look this up!
Strongly affect someone with surprise, wonder or delight ≈ Blown-off
As a salutary (Ed. or cautionary…) tale, we must report that after a year of strenuous exercise and hashing – both on the same Wednesday evenings – Nice Tackle failed his works medical: ‘much worse than last year’, said the doctor. Must be the beer.
You would think that, after being honoured by being asked to present an award in Environmental Science, Can’t Come would be in ebullient mood. Instead, according to reliable-ish sources, he short-cutted around the entire boatyard! Other transgressors included our very own Barbarella, who uncharacteristically lashed Lowtarse in the face with a twig/branch/ bough. (Going to have to stop doing that.)
Dead Man was still Walking, just about, and Shaggy just about managed a TITS run on Thursday, cooly (is that a word?) [Ed. No, but coolly is 😘] turning up 15 minutes late.
Aforementioned scraps of paper hint at shenanigans between Doggy Style and Tight Nuts in the car park. Apparently, they are married, though – so that’s OK, officer. (Ed. nothing untoward in a bit of carpark shenanigans. After dark. In high-vis/lycra…)
Beer Stop was voted best of the year by Can’t Come – isn’t that insider trading, seeing as his wife laid the trail?? (Ed. and nothing at all to do with Can’t Come having personally sourced the Scots-themed wherewithal for the BS, and still perhaps smarting ever so slightly from a memorable lesson in haggling from the Dundee bakery… 😆) The Dundee cake was, however, exceptional and had been carried by hand by someone (Ed. said confectionary-focused master-negotiator) all the way from Scotland, so that’s nice!
There was talk of lots of Alexas, but I couldn’t see any on the list of hashers.
Rizzo couldn’t shut the boot (Ed. that’s no way to talk about WGAS! 😘), and Lazy Git got his 500 run t-shirt [Ed. Woohoo!]. I don’t think those two events are connected.
Down Downs went to:
Ching Chong the hare
Lazy Git for 500 runs…
…Sorry, that’s me done, can’t remember who else.
Maybe our erudite words editor can help me out here… (Ed. flattered, but my recollection is also a bit hazy – here goes:
Can’t Come – for Dundee-themed victuals at the Beer Stop;
Blown-Off – for having the horn/gripping Rubbery’s horn [not sure which is the more damning phrasing…] all the way round the hash;
Yeuck – for some naughtiness or other;
Dead Man – for being very much alive.)
On-on for doing the words again (in 2 years’ time).
P.S. If the above makes little sense, all I would say is that you had to be there. I did ask Hekkel to check over them and she felt they made no sense at all, so job done!
Photo credit: Rubbery
🏃 📸 🍻 You can enjoy a choice selection of photos from the twinkly Salcombe hash on 23rd October 2024 by checking out Hash Flash’s purpose-built photo album on the SH4 Facebook page 📸 🏃🍻
Next SH4 Hash 🐷👣:
HASH 1493 – EAST ALLINGTON, 30th October 2024
The Fortescue Arms
East Allington
Pub Tel: 01548 844686
What3Words: waltzes.snapping.shipyards
As above.
Hares: Nice Buns and Muckspreader
RA: Can’t Come
For further info, please see the Hash 1493 event page on theSH4 Facebook Group.
📝 If you’re the lucky Scribe at EAST ALLINGTON on 30th October, please submit your edition of The Words to thewords@sh4.org.uk by Sunday evening (3rd November), ideally – TVM! 📝
Add your photos of how the evening went down (Weds 30th Oct, 2024) to the Hash 1493 photo album on SH4’s Facebook page , courtesy: Rubbery.
SH4 1500 T-shirts
To celebrate our upcoming 1500th milestone Hash T-shirts and Vests will be available to order from Overshot, so find him at the hash, or comment on the post on SH4’s Facebook group to place an order:
Premium Contrast Just Cool T shirts- Men sizes only!- £19
Standard Just Cool T-Shirts- Mens + Ladies sizes- £17.50
Just Cool Vests- Mens + Ladies sizes- £16.50
Cotton T shirts Mens + Ladies sizes – £17.50
Payment to SH4 Bank Account:
Acc. no.: 00263482 Sort code: 30-94-72
HASH DIARY – Upcoming Events
1500th Hash – 30th Nov – 1st Dec 2024
If you have signed up for the Pre-Christmas Hash Weekend at Grenville House, Brixham, payment is now due – please pay your £40 pp to the SH4 account asap as payment is owed to the venue.
Payment to SH4 Bank Account:
Acc. no.: 00263482 Sort code: 30-94-72
If you have any questions/problems, or would like to sign up and haven’t yet, please see/contact Filth (sharpish! 😉).
POST-CHRISTMAS Hash Bash Weekend – 14th-16th February 2025
If you have booked your spot for this snazzy SH4 getaway but haven’t yet paid your deposit, please send your £50 asap to the SH4 bank account, quoting your hash name and ping a quick message to Hash Cash to confirm:
Payment to SH4 Bank Account:
Acc. no.: 00263482 Sort code: 30-94-72
Please make a note of the new SH4 hash phone number and add it to your phone:
🌟 SH4 hash phone number: 07922 103701 🌟
Use this number to call for assistance if you come ‘unstuck’ out on the trail, or need to get a message to ‘base camp’ (On Down) during the run .
🌟 Don’t forget to see Rusty Bottom or Ching Chong before the hash to log you out on trail using the new-fangled checking-out/checking-in app (developed by our very own digital-wizard, Whisperer).
Don’t forget to also check back in with the ‘On Secs you’re safely back. 🌟
There is now pretty hefty Health & Safety portion of the SH4 website: Stayin’ Alive – this has been created in response to calls for more robust health and safety considerations – and mechanisms – from the hash.
The committee accepts that to some these may seem excessive, while others may think they don’t go far enough. They are very much a work in progress, and (constructive 😘) feedback from the hash is very much welcomed.
Other areas that have been updated on the website are the home page (‘On Home’) – to include a ‘pocket guide’ to H&S; minor updates to the Hash Orders Rules and Expectations page (‘Hores [rules]’); and the ‘How to Lay a Trail’ page (‘Hide and Sweep’ section and incl. new ‘Hare Ye Well’ section at the end of the page).
Please do have a read and feel free to share your thoughts about how they might be further improved/clarified/(shortened!). Answers on a postcard…or, more effectively, submit via the website: gm@sh4.org.uk or speak directly to a member of the committee.
🍻🎉📣 AGPU 📣🎉🍻
This year’s Annual General P*ss Up (AGPU) is planned for 13th November, at the Station House Hotel and Cafe Bar, South Brent – more details to follow.
As per a conventional AGM, the entire Mis-management committee will stand down and nominations will be made for new committee members, any re-appointments and the GM role.
There will be sign-up sheets circulating in the pub at each SH4 hash from this week until the AGPU for you to jot your name down if you fancy taking on any of the committee roles.
Please do give some thought to stepping up to the committee, and feel free to chat to any members of the current committee (and/or past Mis-management) to find out a bit more about what each of the roles entails. This is your chance! 😊💪🏃
SH4 MercHASHdise
Show your love for SH4 and wear your membership proudly with a bespoke SH4 car sticker!
Available exclusively to SH4 members (and, to be fair, anyone else who wants one…) for the bargain sum of £0.50 ea., you can afford one for every vehicle in your fleet! 😊
See Rizzo at the next meet for yours 👣