Hash 1493


7:30 pm - 11:00 pm


Fortescue Arms
Green Hill, East Allington, Devon, TQ9 7RA, Devon
Hares: Muck Spreader & Nice Buns
RA: To Be Confirmed
What 3 Words: sectors.beside.heaven

Event Type

The Words according to LAZY GIT

🌟 If you are signed up for the Post-Xmas Hash Bash weekend in Torquay and have not yet paid your £50.00 deposit, please get in touch with Filth ASAP. It is really important that payment is received now in order to ensure that we don’t lose the venue booking. Thank you! 🌟

🌟 👣 🌟

[Before anyone flexes their fingers to tap out a triumphant litany of corrections to perceived typos/other errors in the below, just a note that these ‘anomalies’ have been preserved as a deliberate feature of this week’s Scribe’s authorial artistry. (If you don’t like it, I believe role of Scribe is up for grabs on Wednesday…😉) Love, Ed.]

We circled up East of Allington [Ed. according to Google maps, we were very much West of Allington…but since when have we let a trifling matter like geography interfere with hash proceedings?]. Rhino [Rizzo] regaled us with another side-splitting joke from her old Christmas cracker selection, and we welcomed back some migrants from France.

Ping Pong [Ching Chong] and Busty Rotten [Rusty Bottom] called the register and off we went.

Fluffy Lice [Fluffy Dice] got a chilly willy at the Chilley farm; Knackered Rabbit [Tyred Bunny] was trying to look after a Virgin (in E. Allington???); Over Come [Overshot’s super-stressed-out cousin?] had time for some outdoor housework on the way round; Willy Wafer [Willy Waiver’s less well-nourished twin?] couldn’t figure out how gates open so climbed over – must have missed that lecture at architect college; there was some horsing around a field, and Weak Spot [Wet Spot, during a national lentil shortage?] hiding in a horse box to frighten hashers, but they didn’t go his way [Ed. they seldom do…].

Back at the pub [The Fortecue Inn], a support group had formed for Can’t Come, Know Nuts and Half Hard, with Just Horny, Second Coming, Come Tonight, Shaggy and Nice Tackle all giving their support. (Ed. amazing that some of these hashers were able to be so solicitous so remotely. And so unwittingly…😂 )

Another rather smelly group led by Who’s Had a Shit [WGAS] and Muck Spreader being counselled by Winnie Who’s Poo [Winnie the Pooh]. [Ed. Lost the RA’s notes by any chance, LG…? 😂 😂 ]

Can’t Come was our RA for the evening, and we sang the usual melodious happy birthday to Iced Buns [Nice Buns].

Gaffer Tape [Gaffer] was awarded a 300 T-shirt in yellow, which clashed horribly with his cinnamon tan! [Ed. all those exotic holidays come at a price…😘] This means, under new rules, that he has done no less than 300 hashes, and maybe more. Never knowingly over-stated! [Ed. Nice little nod to upcoming festive-advert-season, too – well done, LG!]

Down Downs went to:
Muck Spreader and Nice Buns for a great trail [Ed. hear, hear! Although still recovering from the fact that blood makes a surprisingly fizzy cocktail ingredient 👀];
Frenchy for returning to the homeland;
Gaffer for his 300 [& etc.] runs;
Willy Waiver for failing to work out how gates work [Ed. although WW not alone in being so challenged…] ;
Imelda for not realising head torches need re-charging.

On-on to The Mountain Inn at Lutton. Not much parking!

LAZY GIT [Ed. Indolent Miscreant]

Photo credit: Nice Buns

🏃 📸 🍻 You can enjoy a choice selection of photos from the eery East Allington hash on 30th October 2024 by checking out Hash Flash’s purpose-built photo album on the SH4 Facebook page 📸 🏃🍻


Next SH4 Hash 🐷👣:

HASH 1494 – LUTTON, 6th November 2024

The Mountain Inn
Old Chapel Road,
PL21 9SA
Pub Tel: 01548 844686
What3Words: slipping.remission.protester
As above.

Hares: Dulux and Jelly Baby

ANY PIZZA for the bargain special price of £10.00; the pub is also doing chips for £4.50.
Pre-orders to Dulux before the hash, please!

For further info, please see the Hash 1493 event page on theSH4 Facebook Group.

📝 If you’re the lucky Scribe at LUTTON on 6th November, please submit your edition of The Words to thewords@sh4.org.uk by Sunday evening (11th November), ideally – TVM! 📝

Add your photos of how the evening went down (Weds 6th November, 2024) to the Hash 1494 photo album on SH4’s Facebook page , courtesy: Rubbery.



HASH DIARY – Upcoming Events

1500th Hash – 30th Nov – 1st Dec 2024


POST-CHRISTMAS Hash Bash Weekend – 14th-16th February 2025

If you have booked your spot for this snazzy SH4 getaway but haven’t yet paid your deposit, please send your £50 asap to the SH4 bank account, quoting your hash name and ping a quick message to Hash Cash to confirm:

Payment to SH4 Bank Account:
Acc. no.: 00263482 Sort code: 30-94-72


🍻🎉📣 AGPU 📣🎉🍻

This year’s Annual General P*ss Up (AGPU) is planned for 13th November, at the Station House Hotel and Cafe Bar, South Brent – more details to follow.

As per a conventional AGM, the entire Mis-management committee will stand down and nominations will be made for new committee members, any re-appointments and the GM role.

There will be sign-up sheets circulating in the pub at each SH4 hash from this week until the AGPU for you to jot your name down if you fancy taking on any of the committee roles.

Please do give some thought to stepping up to the committee, and feel free to chat to any members of the current committee (and/or past Mis-management) to find out a bit more about what each of the roles entails. This is your chance! 😊💪🏃



Please make a note of the new SH4 hash phone number and add it to your phone:

🌟 SH4 hash phone number: 07922 103701 🌟

Use this number to call for assistance if you come ‘unstuck’ out on the trail, or need to get a message to ‘base camp’ (On Down) during the run .


🌟 Don’t forget to see Rusty Bottom or Ching Chong before the hash to log you out on trail using the new-fangled checking-out/checking-in app (developed by our very own digital-wizard, Whisperer).

Don’t forget to also check back in with the ‘On Secs you’re safely back. 🌟


There is now pretty hefty Health & Safety portion of the SH4 website: Stayin’ Alive – this has been created in response to calls for more robust health and safety considerations – and mechanisms – from the hash.

The committee accepts that to some these may seem excessive, while others may think they don’t go far enough. They are very much a work in progress, and (constructive 😘) feedback from the hash is very much welcomed.

Other areas that have been updated on the website are the home page (‘On Home’) – to include a ‘pocket guide’ to H&S; minor updates to the Hash Orders Rules and Expectations page (‘Hores [rules]’); and the ‘How to Lay a Trail’ page (‘Hide and Sweep’ section and incl. new ‘Hare Ye Well’ section at the end of the page).

Please do have a read and feel free to share your thoughts about how they might be further improved/clarified/(shortened!). Answers on a postcard…or, more effectively, submit via the website: gm@sh4.org.uk or speak directly to a member of the committee.


SH4 MercHASHdise

Show your love for SH4 and wear your membership proudly with a bespoke SH4 car sticker!

Available exclusively to SH4 members (and, to be fair, anyone else who wants one…) for the bargain sum of £0.50 ea., you can afford one for every vehicle in your fleet! 😊

See Rizzo at the next meet for yours.

