The Words according to LADY GODIVA
🌟 If you are signed up for the Post-Xmas Hash Bash weekend in Torquay and have not yet paid your £50.00 deposit, please get in touch with Filth or WGAS ASAP. Thank you! 🌟
🌟 AGPU is almost here! On Weds 13th November: enjoy a quick gallop around South Brent (& environs), a delicious (free!!) curry, and cast your votes to help shape the future of SH4 (well, at least for the next 12 months!) – more details below 🌟
🌟 👣 🌟
Round up, ‘Circle Up’ was at the Mountain Inn, Lutton.
Due to a need to check-out the facilities [Ed. a likely story…], I missed Rizzo’s joke– no doubt up to its usual quality! [Ed. actually, last week’s gag raised noticeably fewer groans than usual; WGAS purportedly had no involvement in providing lines on this occasion – more than a coincidence…?] Ching-Chong & Rusty Bottom took the register and off we went.
Jellybaby mistakenly gave me charge of two virgins to look after – whom I promptly lost sight of after the first mile… Fortunately, they made it back to the pub, even with torch failure [Ed. they sound like born hashers].
Doggy Style duly slipped on the ‘slippery’ path near the start but fortunately Tight Nuts came to her rescue and gallantly, even romantically, was seen to hold her hand – a very rare occasion, apparently! [Ed. Ahhh! Hashing brings out the hero within. Well, in some. Some just leave gates to swing shut in other folk’s faces…]
The bellringers could be heard in full force – not sure if they were ringing call-changes or methods, but the sound of the bells accompanied melodiously us as we ran along the valley and circumnavigated somewhere – not sure where – involving going under the massive viaducts x2 – IKB certainly got around! [Ed. Although two viaducts in such close proximity looks a little like showing off (typical Isambard…)]
She’s Ready kept overtaking us ‘Shorts’, having been lent a torch by Twisted Sister, and the L/S/W trails intersected well, keeping the pack more or less connected.
Overshot was reported as very wobbly, and Re-entry had a cold and was beaten [Ed. although, depressingly, was still way ahead of most of us. At all times.] – even though it’s NOT A RACE.
Lollipop was neatly de-capped [Ed. thankful that there were no more syllables in that word…😳] by the brambles, and Jyde and Vindaloo narrowly escaped falling into a deep ravine in the woods.
Even the normally well-behaved Fenn blotted his copybook by dumping his load on the road.
The trail was extremely well marked – thanks to the Hares – Dulux & Jellybaby: I’ve never seen so much flour – it really shone out in the torchlight. [Ed. 👏]
The RA was Squashed Balls (who looked a little like Hulk Hogan) and, unfortunately for the Scribe, had written his notes on a crisp packet – so all I gleaned was ‘97% fat’ and ‘100% hot air… [Ed. Sounds about right. More than enough to go on! 😆]
Overshot was called out on his callous behaviour, abandoning poor Ching Chong in Halwell and not rendezvousing with her, as arranged.
The RA also mentioned it was nice to see Pugsley back and glad that his injury was better.
Thanks were given to the pub for their very warm hospitality and fantastic pizzas.
Down-Down’s were awarded to:-
Lady Godiva – for running so slowly that the two virgins ran off without her;
Tight Nuts for rescuing Doggy Style and showing unusual affection;
The Hares – Jellybaby & Dulux – for an amazing hash!
The newly named ‘Mountie’ – not sure who?? [Ed. Bo Peep’s mum, I think; so named for her (part?)Canadian origins]
And Dulux awarded her 400th Hash vest.
ON-ON to South Brent and the SH4 AGPU at the Station House, where there was talk of ‘FREE CURRIES’* – not to be missed!
*It’s true!
Photo credit: Rubbery
🏃 📸 🍻 You can enjoy a choice selection of photos from the wending Lutton hash on 6th November 2024 by checking out Hash Flash’s purpose-built photo album on the SH4 Facebook page 📸 🏃🍻
Next SH4 Hash 🐷👣:
HASH 1495 – SOUTH BRENT, 13th November 2024
South Brent station carpark
South Brent
TQ10 9AL
What3Words: recent.length.distracts
The Station House Café Bar & Hotel
Station Road
South Brent
TQ10 9BE
What3Words: drill.galloped.careless
Pub Tel: 07581 654321
Hares: WetSpot
The wonderful Station House are laying on a curry – both Chicken and Vegetarian options available – free of charge to hashers for the occasion of the AGPU.
Please do stay on after the run/walk and take up this generous offer of fuel for your decision-making to select a new SH4 committee (or, at the very least, as something to busy yourself with as the new GM grapples with the excruciating task of sinking a yard of ale [without any of it reappearing…]): all welcome!
For further info, please see the Hash 1495 event page on theSH4 Facebook Group.
📝 If you’re the lucky Scribe at SOUTH BRENT on 13th November, please submit your edition of The Words to by Sunday evening (17th November), ideally – TVM! 📝
Add your photos of how the evening went down (Weds 13th November, 2024) to the Hash 1495 photo album on SH4’s Facebook page , courtesy: Rubbery.
HASH DIARY – Upcoming Events
1500th Hash – 30th Nov – 1st Dec 2024
POST-CHRISTMAS Hash Bash Weekend – 14th-16th February 2025
If you have booked your spot for this snazzy SH4 getaway but haven’t yet paid your deposit, please send your £50 asap to the SH4 bank account, quoting your hash name and ping a quick message to Hash Cash to confirm:
Payment to SH4 Bank Account:
Acc. no.: 00263482 Sort code: 30-94-72
🍻🎉📣 AGPU 📣🎉🍻
This year’s Annual General P*ss Up (AGPU) is planned for 13th November, at the Station House Hotel and Cafe Bar, South Brent. The venue is laying on two curry options – Chicken OR Veg – free of charge.
Please do come along – run, eat, drink, and support the future of SH4 – if you can.
As per a conventional AGM, the entire Mis-management committee will stand down and nominations will be made for new committee members, any re-appointments and the GM role.
Sign-up sheets have been circulated in the pub at each SH4 hash in the weeks leading up to the AGPU. If you fancy taking on any of the committee roles but have somehow missed this opportunity to jot your name down – or if you have suddenly been overcome by a compulsion to stand for one of the roles since last week’s hash – please do just let the GM or other committee members know so your name can be added to the proverbial hat on Weds evening.
This is a great opportunity to help shape an SH4 that will bring brilliant, fun, friendly Wednesday evening running (or walking) and drinking/drinking and running (or walking) for all, for very many more years to come!
Please make a note of the new SH4 hash phone number and add it to your phone:
🌟 SH4 hash phone number: 07922 103701 🌟
Use this number to call for assistance if you come ‘unstuck’ out on the trail, or need to get a message to ‘base camp’ (On Down) during the run .
🌟 Don’t forget to see Rusty Bottom or Ching Chong before the hash to log you out on trail using the new-fangled checking-out/checking-in app (developed by our very own digital-wizard, Whisperer).
Don’t forget to also check back in with the ‘On Secs you’re safely back. 🌟
SH4 MercHASHdise
Show your love for SH4 and wear your membership proudly with a bespoke SH4 car sticker!
Available exclusively to SH4 members (and, to be fair, anyone else who wants one…) for the bargain sum of £0.50 ea., you can afford one for every vehicle in your fleet! 😊
See a member of the committee at the next meet for yours.