Hash 1401 – Boat Trip (Pre Book £10) 11am Start


11:00 am - 6:00 pm


Kingsbridge Community College Car Park
Balkwill Road, Kingsbridge, TQ7 1PL
Hares: Filth. Rizzo Who Gives a Shit & Pimples
RA: To Be Confirmed
What 3 Words: toffee.estimates.townhouse
On Down:

The words according to Spotty Botty

We circled up on a glorious April Fools day in Kingsbridge and were promptly treated to not 1, or 2 but 3 jokes by our wonderful GM Rizzo…..she certainly is a fool for coming up with those gems 😉
The poor hares had to lay the trail more than once due to our slightly inclement weather, indeed each hare encountered different weathers whilst laying the trail….poor Filth had to deal with icy rain.

Off we set and immediately had a split – committing early was necessary. We had been warned that the first beer stop might not be there if we were too slow. This was certainly incentive enough for some, namely Spotty Botty, who won the first section of shorts (hurrah!) Rubbery and Broken Man were not totally thrilled to see the FRB (Spotty, Winnie the Poo, All Night Peeps) as they were not ready…..

We then carried on down through some fields with the most magnificent views, whilst all the while contemplating what was likely to be a water crossing….on arrival at the bank down to the foreshore poor Winnie got rather scratched due to the sheer number of brambles pretending to be ‘helpful’ branches….Fallen Woman had a marvellous time climbing down the bank and purposefully avoided the ladder which WGAS gallantly appeared with, in favour of a helping hand from TB, when I say hand I mean face…

On we sped and enjoyed the wonderful April sunshine, some of us a little too much…our very own cinnamon Adonis Gaffer felt it was appropriate to take his top off. He had not come in fancy dress unlike Can’t Come who really embraced the dress or perhaps this is just his Saturday wear, Windy Balls enjoyed the weather so much he stopped and had what seemed like a 4 course picnic lunch. Fob Jockey enjoyed a spot of sunbathing.

There were showers of course during the day and with the wet weather the day before it did lead to slippery surfaces…..PI performed an amazing skid and in trying to clean off her trousers, created more mud, thankfully it was only mud unlike for her fellow smelly hound who enjoyed the best the South Hams could offer in badger poo. Overshot had a hard time staying on his feet but that could have been to do with the wind sock he was wearing.

A big gathering was to be found at the 2nd beer stop before heading in to Salcombe to the Victoria Inn.

Just before 3pm off we trotted to the ferry and sat (like sardines) on a very picturesque journey up to Kingsbridge.

At the Creeks End Goolie did a great job of trying to be heard during his RAing but sadly, I was eating and missed most of it! Down downs were awarded to TB, Rubbery, Tight Nuts (presumably for the excellent fancy dress) , and the two birthday celebrants Twiggy and Landlord of the Creeks End Terry.

On On to Malborough


Kingsbridge Community College Car Park
Balkwill Road, Kingsbridge, TQ7 1PL
Hares: Filth. Rizzo Who Gives a Shit & Pimples
What 3 Words: toffee.estimates.townhouse
On Down: Not set