Hash Orders Rules and Expectations
How to Participate
- First idea, buddy up. You are responsible for your own personal safety and welfare, and participate with this understanding. Running with someone of a similar ability is for your own safety and enjoyment.
- Carry a phone. This is especially important if you are prone to getting lost, or you find yourself regularly running alone.
- Head torches for darker evenings are essential. Ask for advice when choosing which to buy as they evolve yearly and are as much a safety device as for guidance.
- Call “on-on” as often as possible to alert those behind you of where to go, and so those in front know you are safe and well.
- The hash trail symbols can be found on the group website: please familiarise yourself with them.
- At the Circle Up/On Down: park responsibly to avoid upsetting local residents and to ensure emergency (and farm) vehicles can still gain access.
- The Hash is a friendly, fun, and most importantly social evening. Please be respectful of others: we are there to support members in a friendly and encouraging fashion. Should you have concerns regarding any other members of the group, please address them with the GM as quickly and courteously as possible.
Laying a Hash
Whatever the weather, you will be expected to lay the hash; the hash does not stop for even the fiercest of tempests – although extra considerations need to be made in this event (see ‘Hare Responsibly’ on the ‘Stayin’ Alive (Stayin’ Alive)’ page hyperlinked, please). Trying to lay a hash in inclement weather is not easy, but it is done and can be more fun – it certainly makes for a good story!
- A hash should be laid as an adventurous run that lasts about 1 hour at 3 different ability levels. Suggestions are:
- A long run between 5-6 Miles
- A short run between 2.5-3.5 Miles 4)
- A walk <2.5 Miles.
In the Summertime, these can be extended as drier conditions allow for faster running/ walking; in Winter. or adverse weather, these may be shortened to reflect more challenging conditions.
- A hash course should interlace each leg (Long/Short/Walk) as much as possible to keep the pack together and collective Hash spirit alive.
As a Hare you will be expected to liaise with the Pub for the following:
- Confirm the availability of food and how and when the Pub would like this to be ordered.
- Availability of 6 x 1/2 pints of beer for the down downs free of charge, or at a discounted rate. Their incentive to supply is the 50-odd clientele coming in for drinks and food.
- Is there any area of the pub, or protocol, the Landlord would like us to respect? (Are dogs permitted?) We would love to be welcomed back!
- If you would like to put on a Beer (Drinks) Stop, this should be towards the end of the course at a point all Hashers will pass through. This is not compulsory, but is in the spirit of hashing.
- Make sure you are familiar with the symbols, and calls, for laying and running a trail – see ‘WTF are those marks?’ and ‘They said what?’.
- Hash symbols should be laid in plain flour or sawdust (must be untreated), even chalk on the road on dry days.
- The symbols should be laid in a challenging fashion, but safely and so relatively easy to follow for everyone.
- If you are laying over open fields or moorland, double the amount of flour (you should be able to easily see the next mark). A trail may seem simple in daylight; at night, your field of vision is about 2 metres.
- For the hash you lay, you will be expected to sweep the route, or arrange with another hasher/other hashers who is familiar with/have been thoroughly briefed on the route to sweep it. Whilst individuals are responsible for their own safety, you are the only person who knows the route and we don’t want to leave anyone out there alone.
What the Hash does for you:
- The hash holds three Weekends away each year: summer camping, Pre-Christmas and a Post-Christmas gala. Each weekend is subsidised by the hash and represents excellent value for money.
- If you do put on a Beer Stop, a donation from the hash of £20 can be claimed. If you would prefer this to go behind the bar for one of the weekends, please let the Hash Cash know.
Most importantly: have fun! It is not a competition; it is about enjoying the outdoors and the company of like-minded individuals who are willing to be the butt of the odd joke or two.