Hash 1229 – VI Thurlestone.
This was the 6 or 7th time for Pugsley this year, now slight confusion here. Was it he has laid 6-7 times this year or had he been laid 6-7 times this year – either way a tremendous amount of laying – well done Sir!!
The Hash started with a historical animal based fact. May not have been the useful local knowledge based facts that you could use at a pub quiz, but Rear Entry didn’t make an Ass of himself. Cannot wait for next weeks. If he keeps that standard up I feel by the end of his reign we will capable of holding court with Sir David!
During the round up there was lots of noise and commotion coming from a certain sector and moaning about unable to hear – mainly from Piss Bag – who was either moaning or making the noise herself. The hypocrisy of the request was not lost on the new GM as he targeted abuse back at her – an insight to the management style of the new GM – a warning there for those who like to have a chat during the dignitaries address I feel.
The Run.
The trot around Thurlestone, consisted of lots of Mud, lots of checks, lots of arrows and more flour then Tescos. A remarkable feat considering the weather and consumption by the local livestock. Still wasn’t enough for the new GM though. He claims he followed Shirt Lifter along a hedge, Shirt lifter Claims he got mislead by Rear Entry. Either way clear lack of respect to the non-competition protocol just head down and run without looking – is this really the behaviour we can expect of our leader for the next few years, crass disregard for rules, own agenda, cant be trusted – sorry was reminding myself of another leader will get back on track!
I (Blue Nun) got a thumbs up acknowledgement for not popping home, cutting the run short or cheating – but somehow Buster got to the down downs – so did I or did I not??
A fairly uneventful run fortunately for Dimwit after his exploits of last week. Thankfully Pugsley did a pothole check and all good. However he did miss the electric fence and the sign post over a style. All good though, we had Oribble on hand to dismantle the electric fence in time for Olive and Co to come through un-shocked, un-twerked or un-what ever stimulation you go for in the country. As for the Sign, a little known fact – Hashers can injure themselves draw blood and not make a scene (Dimwit). Yes I did have blood running down the back of my shirt but I am not one to ask for sympathy – I watched with horror as Dimwit was told to more or less look it up in the dictionary between S*@# and Syphilis.
On to the Down Downs:
Piddler for boring some of you for too many years and getting his 800th shirt. The strip show was unnecessary but entertaining
Barbarella for becoming a granny again – and by the time you read this she could well be another
Shirt Lifter for forgetting his highway code and or leading Rear Entry astray
Rusty Bottom – for being an on-hand nurse for dimmers – one of those strange hash conventions – good deeds get punished!!
Pugsley for being such a great layer.
Dimwit for his service to hash injuries!
On On to Loddiswell – Or Brixham for the Pre Xmas Hash Bash, but you will have already done that as these are a bit late!!