Hash 1112 Pre Xmas Bash


11:00 am


Start Bay Centre
The Old School, Slapton, Devon, TQ7 2RA
Hares: Overshot Dimwit
RA: To Be Confirmed
What 3 Words: moving.clocking.grazed

Event Type

The words for the weekend according to Broken Man & Fallen Woman

What a fantastic weekend again I think a big vote of thanks to all who organised, and the cooks and helpers.

I arrived in time to help put up the decorations and the xmas tree and lights but needed some help from Rizzo I was not tall enough to reach and tie some of them up.

Hekkel rushed in wih a lovely Xmas cake and informed us she had forgotten to make it until Friday but it was as good as usual, thank you Hekkel.

We has some lovely home made Tomato and Basi soup and bread to build us up for the hash.

In the circle a load of rubbish was talked about the longs being about 7-8ish miles, the shorts being 5ish miles and walkers 3 miles and all hares are liars.

The hash stared with the longs one way and the shorts and walkers the other. The walkers arrived at the beer stop long before anyone and had left for the pub before any others arrived.

After a long rest in the bar, three cars took the weak onto the next pub stop whilst some of the others used their BUS PASSES to get there but the pub was closed so it was uphill to the centre.

Dead Man Walking gave us a marvellous rendition of his own songs followed by PA and MA Xmas doling out presents. Why was she wearing a beard? Oh dear, the gender recognition problems again…

Nice Buns and the girls dished up a fantastic dinner for us all THANKS.

Onto the dancing and games I was told that Twin Buffers danced one and a half miles after midnight-she knew, as she still had her pedometer tucked in her BRA.

Whisperer did the down downs-I know who got them but I could not hear what for. That was before he went to sleep and had to be woken up at midday the next day in order to go home!

I understand that some of you younger ones danced until 04.00 hours in the morning-good on you.