Hash 1119


7:30 pm - 11:00 pm


Miner's Arms
Hemerdon Lane, Hemerdon, Devon, PL7 5BU
Hares: Ah-so Sushi
What 3 Words:
On Down:

Hash 1118 & 1119, words according to Flage-No-Lay

In the bleak midwinter
O’er frosted grass we’ve flown
Twenty-five brave hashers
Listened as Overshot crowed

“No minors in the The Miners”
Or miners that we know
A few friendly locals
Suggested that we stay

Praise was rung to the swimmers
More hardy than the rest
Who embraced the Boxing Day hash dip
And gave it of their best

Ging gang was left cold and clothes-less
Blamed Piddler-as her staff
Did they get home unaided?
Oh my, how we laughed

The usual japes whilst hashing
FRB’s not wishing to quit
A few excuses from Overshot
Borrowed from Dim Wit

Christmas had delivered
Lots of new run kit
Rusty Bottom shared hers proudly
Her leggings were a hit

Beer stop was a winner
Best beer stop yet?
Bellinis, cakes and mince pies
Thanks to all who beget

Alchohol levels were re-topped
Off we all set-on home
Ready for the down-downs
Some were much less so…

Down-downs to Hot Totty
(swiped by Flage-No-Lay)
Renamed again as Bear Grylls
Only for the day

Hot Totty read CARE as CAKE tho
Disappointed on the lay!
Idea for the future-
Cake to mark the way?

Just Horny for tactical hashing
Keeping the others at bay
Rusty Bottom for her hash-fash
The Hares for a great lay

Rizzo for services to drinking
Done throughout the day
Squashed Balls for hailing a taxi,
Or his son they say

Big thanks to the pub was given
We set off on our way
On on to Ermington next stop
After New Years day


Miner’s Arms
Hemerdon Lane, Hemerdon, PL7 5BU
Hares: Ah-so Sushi
What 3 Words: Not set
On Down: Not set