Hash 1178


7:30 pm - 11:00 pm


Dartbridge Inn
Totnes Rd, South Hams, England, TQ11 0LN, Devon
Hares: Running Late Shirtlifter
RA: ReEntry
What 3 Words:

Event Type

Words for Hash 1178 according to Tor,
with some help from her human

Wednesday evenings are the best. I know it’s a Wednesday because dads yelling at mum to get ready because “we’ve got to pre-order” and my dinner gets wrapped in cling-film.

Tonight we were in Buckfastleigh at the Dart Bridge Inn. We all stood in a circle where I licked Spot, my brother Fen and Ollie (he still doesn’t like me much). Once the humans had chatted and the lady with long legs gave another announcement we set off.

The first bit was uphill. I ran between a man they call Dimwit, who had very yellow shoes and Boaty, who was complaining about too many mince pies.

We had to go through/over many gates. Lotties human, Flage-no-lay, wrapped the gate in the chain but not the post. Duhhhh – all the sheep will get out!

Mum was too slow, she may have been with Barbarella and Lotarse, so we didn’t wait for her.  Dad says it’s important to win but tonight the short human Crackerjack won.

We went up and down a lot. Then we stopped and the humans drank buttered rum before running off again. Lots of the humans were carrying stuff they found off the floor tonight. I ate an apple core so did my bit.

In the pub they had a fire which was nice. I ate some chips off the carpet, I think they were the GMs as he was looking for some later. The humans compared their wrists with each other and said they would “put it on strava”, I bet I ran the furthest.

Everyone listened to Dad for a bit, he likes talking, then they sang a terrible song to the lady with long legs for her birthday. She then drank dirty water very quickly with some of the other humans.

It was a great night, next week we go to Ermington. I don’t know where that is but I’ve had my Rabies jab so reckon I can go.

Tucked up in my kennel now with whole Bonio tonight for my efforts.

Luv TOR x
Age 1 and a ¼