
All Day Event


New Continental Hotel
Millbay Road, Plymouth, PL1 3LD
Hares: She's Ready That's Crap
RA: Goolie
What 3 Words:
On Down:

The Words 1184 &1185 according to Overshot

A ‘Brief ‘ Account-According to Overshot

The weekend began on Friday with a game of how many Harriers you could fit in the Sauna and a doggy paddle race in the Pool. (12 was the answer to the first with Doggy McDoggy Face winning the latter). Pre meal drinks of Blue Nun (24K Gold Edition) were kindly hosted by Blue Nun and Olive. The addition of Whisky to the drinks by Whisperer made it taste it more like mouth wash and Whisperer was forced to drink Overshot’s spoiled drink. Ging Gang got rid of hers by spilling most of it down her trouser leg!

After the meal we all set out on Goolie’s Pub Crawl where we picked up on the way Sticky Bush and her plus one Virgin Simon (who claimed to have a massive engine).

Led by Topshelf I missed out all the bad pubs and ended up giving sound advice to the guitarist of the band playing in Kitty’s. Then promptly left! Eventually we all ended up in the Dolphin where Pony Shafter serenaded the song Alouette, gentille alouette to Whisperer with great accompaniment provided by the hash.

A large contingent of the hash then called it a night but a younger crowd plus Dead Man Walking and Pony Shafter danced to the early hours in Pop World. I apparently fell off the revolving dance floor but was rescued by Rizzo and Nice Buns.  Pugsley had to be stopped from ordering his fourth Fish bowl………..


Hash 1184


With sore heads we gathered outside the Hotel for the start of the main hash. The Hares, She’s Ready and That’s Crap had been spotted the day before on Laira Bridge. A good few of us had an inkling to the direction the hash was to go but they were praised for a great hash. Their Co Hares, Come Tonight and GHR though were not so wonderful as they were kicking out checks before any of the hash had got to them! After numerous Long Short Splits around Cattedown and past a stranded seal (which ReEntry stressed no one go near as he would be the first to be called because of his veterinary skills) we all arrived at a welcome beer stop at the Morley Arms in their very posh Gin tent. They had 127 odd Gins but still Goolie pointed out that they didn’t have his favourite so he drank a beer anyway. ReEntry was spotted disgracefully drinking a hot chocolate and eating an energy Bar.

At the beer stop Olive saw her chance to lead the hash and set off early to get a head start. Unfortunately the hares hadn’t laid that part of the trail and she was left floundering on the beach of the Plym. ReEntry caught her up and found the right way and to the annoyance of Olive did not call On On!  Into Saltram we went where Meaty Whore had to stop and sit on a bench to eat his packed lunch he had brought along with him: Peanut Butter (crunchy) and Jam wraps! Ging Gang was seen vaulting gates when all others on the hash just walked around them.

The trail led us through flying tipping track and then on in the posh part of Plympton where we ended up in the Guild Hall greeted by beer out of the barrel and hot pasties. Not all could find the end with a lot of the hash Overshooting and ending up at the bus Stop. Squashed Balls insanely called Olive for directions before Jelly Baby saw sense and called the GM.

A crowd containing Rizzo, Nice Buns, Boaty and Meatywhore  also got lost at the end but were luckily contactable by mobile by Tightarse to tell them they had gone wrong. Tightarse then spent the time (20 minutes) waiting for them, living up to her name to do research into the cheapest way to get back to the hotel (Taxi or Bus). It was Taxi by 30p! Bee Flicker was even more of a tight arse and ran the 5 miles back to the hotel!


Down Downs were awarded to The Hares (x4), Tight Arse, and ET (as it was his 42 wedding anniversary to Pam that weekend).


What follows is a Summary of Overshot’s Awards Speech (ok all of it!)


Thank you’s

Huge thank you for Goolie for making this all happen. Done better this year by not bankrupting the hash…….yet! And of course huge appreciation to, Rizzo  For being the Lieutenant/Chief Mate guiding Goolie through stormy waters……….suitable gifts for them both were given.

Staff at the New Continental were thanked for their wonderful hospitality and the food that night.
The mismanagement committee were thanked for all their hard work.
Big thanks to Hekkyl and Jyde who stood down last year and to Twisted Sister to taking up the reins.
Members of the hash have all been brilliant! with Hash numbers I think at the same level, And numbers bolstered by great support from the Plympton Hash

So Give yourself a big cheer,  pat on the back, a hug or a kiss! or all four! You decide!


Some Highlights/Reflections of 2018 (in no particular order)
– Thank you to all the hares who laid some great hashes.

Especially for the Hares who Gallantly faced the beast from the East back in March. Big cheer for them! Rusty Bottom and Overshot!! And cheer to the 24 intrepid real hashers who made it along.
– Started the year with some of the shiggiest, wettest hashes laid by

Dimwit and Flagenolay at California Inn. Boaty and Sticky Bush at the Cott Inn; the latter a lot of cowpat mixed in. No wonder we were only allowed to drink in the beer garden and not allowed in the pub!
– We had to battle the brook of Bedlam on the Hash at Harberton

Laid by Going Down and Piddler, almost lost ReEntry-which was a shame. It would have won most Dangerous Hash of the Year, but we’re not doing that category this year. Felt that if we did it would only encourage hares to better each other in an attempt to win this award!
– We had our first (and possible last) in hash history Odd Even split courtesy of Dead Man Walking and Twisted Sister in AG.
– At the Cott Inn Ahso showed, she could RA with an Ode, We must give her so much praise for her Rhyme, Especially as it was her first time.
– Other highlights

Hash 1135 Packhorse Inn, South Brent- Dimwit fell over
– Best hash through a Snow drift- Fallen Woman’s hash 1133 Parker Arms, Paignton
– Goolie‘ 90th Birthday Red dress Run: £2,000 raised for Fisherman Mission in May at St Ann’s Chapel.
– Apparently (cannot confirm as clash with the World Cup) there was a floating cider stop which Willey Waiver was bobbing in the sea at Wembury but everyone refused to swim out.
– First Hash on Burgh island (which again was absent) first since Goolie was barred from the Pilchard. Claim to be hash of the year-unfortunately nwe’re ot doing that category this year. Pub ran out of beer which seemed to suggest it wouldn’t have won anyway!
– The great mid-summer weekend at Maker Heights organized by Nutcracker and Knownuts.
– Hash 1159 in September at Aveton Gifford laid by The Jerk and Whisperer would win the shiggiest hash of the year but again we’re not doing that category this year!
-Hash 1164- Royal Oak Malborough I beat Re Entry.
– And the hash that everyone feared the most last year, Halloween Hash at Totnes Rugby Club by Squashed Balls turned  to be not scary at all.
– Thanks to ReEntry for organising the barn dance in the Summer
– Again, Thanks to Goolie for his Firework hash.
– Finally there was the pre-christmas hash bash on Dartmoor, which was a great success but Karaoke  will be banned from all future events!!!


Thank you for all those I haven’t mentioned in laying hashes, being great hosts and for drinking beer. Now there has been some notable exclusions to the highlights which are deserving of extra special recognition.


I would like to make the following  awards;


1. Hash No Hopers Award
We always stress the need for Hares to sweep the Hash and these Trio of Harriets have always kept the hares on their toes anxiously worrying:
– Have they done the long?… I hope not.

– Are they too busy chatting?.. probably

– Have they got lost again!! ….. almost definitely

(A tip I tend to put them on the short without them knowing)
Only when they are safely back in the pub! Can everyone breathe easy. The award for The Lost Causes goes to Olive, Barberella and Lot’arse- Apt that Olive is the colour of this years T-Shirts.


2. Missing In Action award.

This next award goes to harrier who went that extra mile, Ok More like 10!!

In his defense he was following coloured pebbles lumped up there by Pugsley (a first for the hash & most likely the last). Got lost and sparked a failed rescue attempt by Pugsley, Overshot and Dimwit co-ordinated by Pinky in the Pub. He did eventually make it to the pub but in Cornwood rather than South Brent. Award for Moor-on The Run goes to  A Bit of Ruff, Hash 1157. Shipley Bridge. On Down Pack Horse Inn.


3. Hash newcomer of the Year

For a hasher who fully embraced the hash culture, and became a great addition to the club last year. Joined back in August and soon began to live and breathe Hashing. Kept himself busy with not only our hash but also joined the Plympton and Devon A2B hashs too!
Always the 1st to comment on Facebook how great the hash is, how great the GM is (!), How great the Harriets are! and very encouraging to anybody considering joining the hash.  Award for Buzziest Beginner goes to Bee Flicker


4. Welcome Guest Award
I mentioned earlier, how the Hash has been greatly supported by the Plympton Hash over the last year, we’d like to recognise this in a category new for this year. We’d love to give it to all of them but can’t, so to single out one  (see it as an award for the whole of Plympton) this Harrier has plunged straight in to the hash, one of the first to sign up and always one of the last to leave the pub,  great crooning skills at the Pre Xmas Bash!       Award for HASH INTERLOPER goes to Pony Shafter


5. Dedication to the Hash Award
This Harriet only been hashing for a few years but should be praised for her dedication. Last Year she Hared the Hash 4 times 1132, 1149, 1164 and 1175.

But more importantly we must applaud her services to fancy dress over the years, from Queen Elizabeth, to Rocky Horror,  and beach theme and 80s theme dresses and countless others. If there is an excuse for Fancy Dress She’s there the FANCY FETISH AWARD Goes to Filth.


6. Dedication to the Hash Award 2
This Harrier has also shown great dedication to the Hash. He is here each week rain and shine. This dedication was tested this time last year he did the Hippy Hippy Shake Shake: more like Hippy Hippy Break Break  when Skiing, he was at the bash last year on crutches.


But using his medical know how! and access to drugs he was back hashing within months. So to recognise this great achievement, the award for COME BACK KING goes to JYDE.


7. Final Award
Goes to a harriet (who incidentally tried to steal the worst injury of the Year from Jyde by lacerating her leg to the bone back in December…. Think she was jealous).

The award is to recognise and thank her for all she has put into the hash over the years. She has been a fine and valued  member of the Committee.

She was words Editor for 6 years and Onsec for 3 years.
Even when she stood down it took a her two weeks to realise that she shouldn’t be posting and bossing us around on the mis management facebook group.

So give a Big Cheer as the winner of THE SNAZZY TRAINER goes to Hekkyl
Hash 1185- Hangover Hair of the Dog Hash

Big thanks to Rizzo and Nice Buns for rising early to set this trail. Nice Buns had a Christening to go to but couldn’t trust Rizzo to Hare the hash alone! They found a playground for the hash to play in, a trampoline to jump on and dog exercising arena to run around!
The Lost Causes were the last to finish but finish they did!


On On to Averton Gifford and dark hashes! Over………..shot


It’s here! This weekends hash bash itinerary…

Welcome to the SH4,S 2019 awards weekend.

Friday:- Rooms will be ready from 1500. If you arrive before the hotel can look after your luggage, you may make use of the facilities or go for a walk. You must give your car registration number to the reception.

1830. Meet in bar for dinner at 1900.

2000. Commence historical tour of the Barbican. Return when you have enough history.


Breakfast 0700–1000

1130. Meet in foyer ready for A to B hash. Hares That’s Crap and She’s Ready.
There will be a Walker’s, Shorts and Long trail.
Beer stop en route ( need money).
Bus back- more money or bus pass.( bus and taxi information will be given on the day).
Drinks and snacks will be provided at the end of trail ( no money required).
Please give details of dietary requirements veggies etc.

1900. Meet in bar for Down downs,

1930. Formal dinner, dress code Harriet’s POSH FROCKS, Harriers HASH FORMAL
( Dinner jackets and running gear).
G M to give awards for 2018.
Dancing until 0100.
Retire to bar or bed.


0700-1000. Breakfast

1100. Meet in foyer for hare of dog hash. Hares Rizzo and Nice Buns.

On return meet in bar . Farewell drinks.
Those staying for Sunday meet again at 1900.

Hope you all have a great time.


New Continental Hotel
Millbay Road, Plymouth, PL1 3LD
Hares: She's Ready That's Crap
RA: Goolie
What 3 Words: Not set
On Down: Not set