Hash 1194


7:30 pm - 11:00 pm


North Sands Car Park
Cliff Road, Salcombe, Devon, TQ8 8LD
Hares: ReEntry Just Horny
RA: The Jerk
What 3 Words:

Event Type

The words according to Fen

At long last she lets me out of the boot!

So excited to smell all the hashers again – where are my favourites: Boaty is always good for a fuss! Can’t smell Broken Man though this evening but that naughty sister of mine is here. Tor informs me that Re-entry is feeling knackered after his ‘ultra’ something at the weekend so Just Horny has done most of the work laying the trail – but not too much road, great hills, scary coast path, pongy wild garlic in the woods, and even time to play on the beach! What’s not to like? And spectacular view-points apparently but, Tor & I, we don’t see too well so views are a bit lost on us canines. I did notice a nice smelly puddle at one of the view points though and, personally, I think it was a great idea of Sticky’s to mark the spot with a quick wee !

Glad that I have 4 legs, cos that coastal path was a bit tricky in the twilight. Running Late did a great nose dive behind me and there was just enough blood to be made a fuss of by nice medical harriets back at the pub…
Streaky Shit is no longer streaking, apparently…. just to be called Shitty from now on.
Now the hash is not a race (cos, if it was, I would definitely win it!) but Dimmers still did a dance of victory for having beaten Overshot into touch…. funny that nothing much was said about how Overshot got his sprained ankle – a dastardly business, I reckon (?!) Anyhow, we were waiting for ages and ages and ages at the carpark for the longs to finish and so we had already seen Beeflicker sprint home to get the wacky race first prize. But where, oh where, was Sticky Bush? Lost, injured? no, just gossiping again with that chatty Pink lady with the long legs….anyhow, Rubbery set off to the rescue and Sticky got a ride back up the hill….
For once, I was allowed into the pub at the end – great fun catching chips under the table. Poor Jerk was so busy writing stuff for RA that he didn’t notice his lovely cheesy ones being nicked..and that cheeky Easily Led even managed to steal his pint!
Re-entry was told off again for not calling On-On… he managed to finish this north Devon ultra race 10 minutes before anyone else and broke the course record by 20 minutes… Bit of a celebration in the pub…but I bet he still could not catch me & Tor, though!
Down Down Awards:
Just Horny – laying a brilliant trail
Re-entry    –  hare and ultra denigration
Sticky Bush – strategic irrigation
Easily Led –   obstination in the face of fact
Running Late  –  grazed, but whining
Little Chef  –  soldiering on with injured ankle
On-On to Blackawton !  Hope to see you there – Fen


On Down The Fortescue in Salcombe. Best to park in Shadycombe Car Park