Hashers and hash hounds circled up at the Fortescue awaiting Re-entry’s words of wisdom, we were introduced to a French virgin and a lot of visitors from Plympton, no idea who else was there as I forgot the board-doh!
We were then handed over to the Hare, Overshot, winging it without his wing man Dead Man who was called away on Dad duties. Bravely Overshot carried on and serenaded us alone with only his Uke to accompany him. We listened and learned the way of the hash and some were even incited to join in the singing.
Off we set through hills, mud, water, mud, more hills and more mud definitely earning our drinks tonight, thank goodness we were spurred on by music. Well done Overshot for a proper shiggy hash and one that kept a whole lot of us together.
There was more dirt dished at the pub with Spotty Botty as RA sharing how Jyde was being dominated by Ollie dog who was seen to give him the doggy finger whilst towing him up the hills at great speed. Goolie was reported for short cutting and No principles & Nemo were congratulated for winning the short. The culturally confused virgin, the Au Pere Pierre ran with all of No Principles children and got them all back to the pub, result.
Sticky Bush was heard to compliment Piddler on his behaviour, apparently helping female hashers over stiles, when it came to his turn he’d run out of steam and couldn’t get his leg over. Yeuk worked her way through all three of her torches.
Shirtlifter and Whisperer ended up in the mud with whisperer sporting a lovely brown patch that was hoped to be just mud and not mud plus and Lotarse was welcomed back.
Down downs went to the hares, Gomez and Morticia who finally got their 1000 hashes shirts, Come 2 Night who having enjoyed more serenading of the birthday variety nominated She’s Ready, Virgin Pierre and the newly named Bog Hopper.
On On to Sherford
Ps nice article about hashing here: https://rundeepmag.com/introducing-hash-running/