Hash 1250 (at Last!)


2:30 pm - 10:00 pm


Ayrmer Cove NT Car Park
National Trust Car Park, Ringmore, Devon, TQ7 4HL
Hares: TBC TBC
What 3 Words: realm.cactus.scope

Event Type

Dear all Hashers.

Thank you for bearing with us over the past four months. The physical and online efforts every Wednesday have been amazing from you all.

There will be a trail laid, from a pub, in the morning. We will then have a number of start times, likely 2.30pm, 5.30pm and 7.30pm. It is absolutely imperative that NO MORE than THIRTY persons are present at each start time. It would then be sensible for you to run in groups of maximum six people, keeping a sensible distance between groups.
No checks are to be kicked out and any gates to be negotiated should be opened and closed by the same person in each group.

Hashers will need to state in advance what time they intend to run and for their run to be counted will also need to post to FB so that the On Sec and Hashberdash can record them, and also to provide material for that week’s scribe. Please contact Running Late if you are willing to lay a trail