Hash 1441


7:30 pm - 11:30 pm


Ashburton Arms
The Charleton, West Charleton
Hares: Pugsley
RA: To Be Confirmed
What 3 Words: drizzly.finger.dinner

Event Type

The Words according to Gary Glitter


The Words according to Gary Glitter

“I’m hashing in the rain,
Just hashing what a pain.
It’s only down the road meaning
I must go again.

I’m laughing at Rizzo
So high, up above
Hash huddled in the pub
But I’ve lost my glove!

Let the stormy clouds chase
Them all over the place.
Come on with the rain
Splash mud in their face.
We’ll walk down the lane
Until we all meet again.

Just hashing in the rain,
We’re happy again.
We’re hashing and splashing in the rain”
(With apologies to Gene Kelly fans!)

Having missed a few hashes recently, due to my nose looking like a warty witch’s, what could be my excuse tonight?
1. It was raining;
2. My hiking boots were still wet;
3. My trainers were too new and clean;
4. I was suffering from the after-effects of a full-blown Christmas lunch and Prosecco;
5. I was tired.

All the above are no excuse for a hardened, vintage hasher…and, more to the point, it was a roll down the hill from my house to the start!! So, donning my wellies and four layers of clothing, I set off with my near-neighbour, June, and her son’s dog, Bundy, to brave the elements.

Most of us went straight in the pub (Ed: The Charleton) and then huddled in the doorway to hear Rizzo’s weekly joke. Something about negativity, but I’m not sure! Pugsley, the lone Hare, said the Walkers’ route was one-and-a-half miles, the Shorts four miles and the Longs five-and-a-half miles.

June (she hasn’t been named yet!), Bundy and I walked the short route with Vindaloo, Nokkers, Traffic and Jyde. Down the hill, along the path, up by the church and left past the allotments. Up into the fields above Bowcombe and hashers were all over the place, but Traffic, who was keen to redeem her reputation from two weeks ago, found the white blobs on the higher path. Off we hashed down the muddy slope where I stumbled and slithered over. Note to self: don’t wear wellies near muddy slopes.

Undercovers went down twice, and (Ed: the erstwhile) ‘Tiffany’, not to be outdone, three times (Ed: and the rest…!)! Over the stile at the bottom, across the fields and then up and up that hill (four layers were way too much as steam was escaping from my head), down the green lane and back down the road. I think the longs went back along the foreshore and hopefully the tide was out.

We poured into the pub: some didn’t bother to change but, thankfully, ‘Tiffany’ did, as you could hardly recognise him! Rear Entry, back first, was already tucking into a burger, while his dog was curled up so close to the fire he might as well have been in it.

Olive was the RA so everyone settled in for the night to hear her stories of moving house and the characters involved, likening them to hashers.

Down downs were awarded to:-
• Pugsley for haring
• ‘Tiffany’ for being named Skidmark
• Gary Glitter for 900 run t-shirt
• WGAS for his designer t-shirt
• Spotty Botty for the Nesquik-gate award (you had to be there to hear the story!)
• Rizzo for complaining she couldn’t park next to the pub as she didn’t arrive til 7.29pm. As she was driving, she nominated Overshot

On on to…[see note below]*
Gary G.

*Ed: N.B. Next week’s hash is now at MALBOROUGH, Circle Up at Malborough Village Hall:
W3W:doghouse.protrude.piglet ; On Down at The Old Inn .
Please see Rubbery’s shiny Event page on Facebook: Hash 1442 Malborough