Hash 1472


7:30 pm - 11:00 pm


Hare's House - Hekkle & Jyde
Barngates House, Ermington, PL21 9NE
Hares: Twisted Sister & Nice Tackle
RA: To Be Confirmed
What 3 Words: originals.servers.intervals
On Down:

The Words according to FOB JOCKEY

Hash 1472 – ERMINGTON:

Well, I honestly thought I wouldn’t be called up to do The Words again for at least another year, but got soundly dobbed-in by Who Gives A Shit (WGAS), who not only said my name begins with an ‘A’ (which, actually, my real name does), but convinced Rizzo to actually buy this as justification. Outrageous.

No matter; this was a great hash, at least for me – but I think most people agreed: lots of flat running, with only one main (Ed. you say ‘main’, others might have selected alternative adjectives…) hill. As soon as I left the village, I noticed Gaffer was strolling along – not like the racing snake that he used to be – and I was thinking “That’s not like him…”, but apparently he doesn’t like hills at the start of hashes ☹️ (Ed. a little unfair…There are many things that irk the Cinnamon Adonis 😉). Most of us harder hashing types raced on up the hill, or at least part of it. Overshot gave himself a gold star for running up all of it, but then whined at the On-Down because Re-Entry burned him off at the top – predictable, some might say!

The top section of the run was chatty and relaxed and, in a barmy (Ed. or balmy? It was pretty warm on Weds…) summer moment, WGAS, Rizzo and even yours truly, indulged in some wild-strawberry-picking – how good is that?! (Ed. such a charmingly bucolic scene you evoke, FJ – amazing that you ‘harder hashing types’ have time to forage hedgerow snacks on your race [“it’s not a race”] to the finish… 😘)

It was then all downhill to the main road, through gorgeous meadows and down shady lanes. I even ended up shooting the breeze with Dirty Nights for 10 minutes and thought I must take some more notes from Nice Buns and Rizzo, who hold the gold medal for such pursuits!

At the bottom, Nice Tackle was there to safely herd us across the main road and onwards. However, when Dirty Nights, Lactaster and myself were pointed across the road and went down the wrong side of the river, I didn’t hear a peep from him! He was a virgin Hare, though, so quarter should be given, I guess (?!). (Ed. sounds to me as though he has the hare-ing gig down, actually…😁)

With all the near-flat running, it meant I could get into a nice pace. I haven’t relaxed and enjoyed a hash like that for a long time; complemented by the overgrown lanes full of meadowsweet, wild strawberries and honeysuckle, long-grassed buttercup meadows and the midsummer light, it was a real treat!

The On-Down was, what I believe must be, the annual pilgrimage to Hekkel and Jyde’s house. A great spread had been laid on, as usual, with tasty salads, and BYO burgers etc. As I watched Blown-Off be slowly consumed by our little flying friends (Ed. by which, assume midges…), I was given a veggie burger by Can’t Come and Ching Chong that, I have to say, was a revelation! (Ed. stirring stuff, that there tofu…just ask WetSpot 😘)

A naming followed the RA (Overshot)’s summary, but was about to be left for another occasion until some bright spark pulled one (Ed. by which, assume ‘name suggestion’) out of the air! As so often seems the case, a number of alternatives options relating to the hasher in question’s antics had been suggested, dropped, and then he was named something completely different that happened to resonate with us all enough for it to be summarily passed! Betty Swallocks it is, then!

So, many thanks to the hosts for putting on another great On-Down, and also to the Hares, Twisted Sister and Nice Tackle, for my favourite hash this year!

On, On!

Down Downs went to:
• Twisted Sister (hare) and Nice Tackle (virgin hare)
• Betty Swallocks – naming (hasher formerly known as Grumpy Arse’s boyfriend /Anthony)
• Pugsley – excruciating ankle injury, mid-hash
• Jyde – and also on behalf of Hekkel: BBQ hosts extraordinaire
• Gary Glitter – I forget why… But why not?!

It is On On to COMBESTONE TOR for a Summer Picnic Hash!

🏃 📸 🍻 You can enjoy highlights from the biting-insect-bese but glorious, Ermington hash 1472 on 19 June 2024, and afterwards at Hekkyl & Jyde’s pad, by checking out Hash Flash’s purpose-built photo album on the SH4 Facebook Group 📸 🏃🍻


Next SH4 Hash 🐷👣:

HASH 1473 – COMBESTONE TOR, 26 June 2024

🌅 – PICNIC HASH (Don’t forget your beer and butties! 🍺 🥪) – 🌅

Combestone Tor Car Park
Between Holne & Hexworthy,
Past Venford Reservoir
PL20 6SE
What3Words: ///bricks.blanking.deluded
🚗 N.B. Parking at Combestone Tor is very limited – please lift-share where possible 🚌. (Nearest alternative carparks are, well, not that near…a few little spots along the road, Venford Reservoir, or Michelcombe Lane. Or perhaps Hexworthy…?)

Picnic blanket, at above location.

Hares: Whisperer & Fob Jockey
For full details, please see the Hash 1473 event page on the SH4 Facebook Group.

📝 If you’re the lucky Scribe at COMBESTONE TOR next week, please submit your edition of The Words to thewords@sh4.org.uk by Sunday evening (30 June), ideally – TVM! 📝

Add your photos of how the evening went down (Weds 26 June, 2024) to the Hash 1473 photo album, when it has been conjured into being.

HASH DIARY – Upcoming Events


Saturday 21st September, 2024


🌟 🌟 🌟 Register here: https://bit.ly/RamboSM2024 🌟 🌟 🌟
OR scan the QR code, below:

SH4 MercHASHdise

Show your love for SH4 and wear your membership proudly with a bespoke SH4 car sticker!

Available exclusively to SH4 members (and, to be fair, anyone else who wants one…) for the bargain sum of £0.50 ea., you can afford one for every vehicle in your fleet! 😊

See Rizzo at the next meet for yours 👣



Hare’s House – Hekkle & Jyde
Barngates House, Ermington, PL21 9NE
Hares: Twisted Sister & Nice Tackle
What 3 Words: originals.servers.intervals
On Down: Not set