parkrun Bolberry Down – Planning Meeting


7:00 pm


Creek's End Inn
Squares Quay, Kingsbridge, TQ7 1HZ
Hares: To Be Confirmed
RA: To Be Confirmed
What 3 Words: reflected.heap.chariots
On Down:
Thursday 14th November – Active Devon/SHAW/parkrun meeting 7pm, Creeks End Inn.
Discussing opportunities and examples of social prescribing and how to encourage all people to be more physically active; also how can we work together to support inactive over 55’s and women and girls to attend parkrun in any capacity.

We should have representatives from SHAW, Active Devon, KCC, Leisure Centre, Walking for Health, local healthcare professionals:

Draft agenda:
-Round table introductions.

-Active Devon/SHAW/Walking for health – Who, What, Where?

-Parkrun update

-Current local social prescribing initiatives

-Key target areas/groups for Active Devon

-Opportunities for collaboration

-Opportunities using parkrun; best practice elsewhere

-How to encourage participation

-Community College involvement

-How to measure outcomes

-Other partner organisations

-Next steps


Creek’s End Inn
Squares Quay, Kingsbridge, TQ7 1HZ
What 3 Words: reflected.heap.chariots
On Down: Not set