Post-Xmas Bash 2017

Post-Xmas Bash 2017


03/02/17 - 05/02/17    
All Day Event


China Fleet Club
China Fleet Club, Saltash, Devon, PL12 6LJ
Hares: To Be Confirmed
RA: To Be Confirmed
What 3 Words:
On Down:

2017 SH4 Post-Xmas Bash

Returning to the excellent venue enjoyed for the 2016 bash, you can expect similar levels of fun; great trails with stunning scenery, mud, water, and general silliness, and activities including spa-action, pampering, swimming, and maybe even another squash tournament? Combine this with good food, dancing, copious amounts of wine and ale, and of course the SH4 Oscars Night – could this be Your Year to receive a coveted t-shirt, or maybe, even the Silver Trainer Award? All revealed on the night..

Any deposits outstanding are needed in asap to secure your place.  Pay Rizzo or Marty in person or using online banking, remember to use your Hash (or Nerd) Name and Post Xmas Bash as a reference.
Sort code – 30-94-72
Account number – 0026348


Fri evening; dinner at a venue TBC with pub crawl for the hard-core drinkers

Saturday: assemble at 11.30 for coach ride to Bodmin moor for a trail laid by Cow Pat and Meavy. Down downs etc back at China Fleet. Evening bash in the traditional style with dinner, hash ‘Oscars’ and dancing.

Sunday: hare-of-the-dog and farewells.


China Fleet Club
China Fleet Club, Saltash, PL12 6LJ
What 3 Words: Not set
On Down: Not set