Leonards Road Car Park


Leonards Road
PL21 0SL

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The words according to Jyde

My 2023 words

You will no doubt remember that I have recently done the words. However, I am on a promise from Rizzo, that doing the words this week will be me done for the year 😊 Normally it takes me a while to recover from the words before I can do them again but needs must. I also must say, in my defence, that I am trying to curate and fabricate words with the minimal help from RearEntrys notes written on the back of a cigarette packet.

Travelling to the hash, one hasherette simply could not be bothered to walk 100 metres from her house to the car park and drove…..Disappointing-semi is the culprit from Plympton.

Anyway, off we all went, some of us deciding a better route was based on trespassing a Ivybridge resident’s drive. Facing unexpected gates and compost heaps, and realising our error, the brave among us straddled the pointed picket fence. A high-pitched squeal (poorly re-enacted by Jyde at the downdowns I felt) and an unscheduled piercing ensued for our poor GM.

There was a lot of hugging going on with Boaty hugging or being hugged by, in turn The Jerk, Hottotti, (A big welcome back to both of them) and Flage.

Up in the woods, the intrepid shorts were seen to form a human chain to cross the torrent that is the Erme. Shortly after this epic traverse, and probably because of it, Vindaloo was seen to be skipping. Jyde was invited to join in but politely declined.

Undercovers, clearly fearful of the mighty Erme in full spate, was seen to be running back along the trail: not sure if he ever got back??

In other news, Dimwit very compassionately was seen caring for an aged Wetspot; it has not been divulged what duties he had to perform. Gaffer or should I say Cinnamon Man, fell over in the woods and wet himself and Know Nuts was fondled by GingGang. There was the usual drivel and disinformation about the shorts not kicking out checks. Yawn..

Finally, it was noted that the most excellent Post-Christmas HASH weekend we are still recovering from simply had no untoward incidents worthy of gossip or folklore. It was also noticed that this was the only hash weekend in which Nice Buns was incapacitated. A coincidence you ask, we think not….

A 200 run teeshirt was awarded to Olive to celebrate the fact that she has run 200 runs and spent approximately, by my calculations, 650 hours doing them! Hoorah.

Downdowns were awarded to Boaty, Barbarella, Undercovers, Dimwit, Olive and Rizzo.

On on to Malborough


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