Modbury Long Stay Car Park


Modbury long stay car park, Poundwell Meadow
PL21 0XY

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The Words according to OUI OUI

Hash 1453 – MODBURY

Hares: Undercovers & Nokkers
RA: RearEntry

Thankfully, the torrential rains experienced over the last few days had eased as quite a large group gathered up in Poundwell Meadow car park.

Rizzo hushed the Circle and welcomed all, beginning with her usual witty joke, although various groans were heard before the punchline was delivered. We were reminded of the time and location of Fallen Woman’s funeral on Friday, and it was also suggested that some people might want to wear glitter [Ed. and/or something bright…or something white, but only if your name’s Pony 😆] in memory of our fellow hasher at this Friday’s pub crawl on the Post Xmas Hash Bash. Rizzo handed over to the hares, who said the course was dry (really!), and that the trail was marked with flour on both the right and the left…

We set off in the direction of Modbury high street, and were taken up and down the back streets of Modbury (fairly dry) before going out into the countryside. Once running across the fields and tracks, it was not exactly dry but a little moist underfoot. We headed out of Modbury in the direction of Little Orcheton; this was fairly good running terrain, being mostly on lanes, with a little uphill section swiftly turning into a downhill, before a quick left into adjacent fields and back in the direction of Modbury. It was certainly not dry, and very slippery underfoot (those Hares tell lies! [Ed. breaking news…!] ). It was reported that there were a few fallers but, not to be deterred, we kept going. Overshot [Ed. this sounds much more like the MO of a rather different hasher, whose name rhymes somewhat with SpetWot…] renowned for jumping out on people, was up to his old tricks and, in fact, Nice Buns was disturbed by his deliberate gaze while up to his pranks. It was also reported that on one occasion his high jinks caused him and Lactaster to end up rolling in the mud!

After a while crossing fields, it was good to get back onto some lanes and firm footing, only to be met by a killer of a hill, which just kept giving! Another few more muddy/potholed fields, and we were OH to Modbury.

It was back to the Modbury Inn which had a good Hash menu choice. The pub’s clientele was certainly swelled by our numbers, and we squeezed into one end, as we clashed with the locals’ guitar group!

Dulux was awarded her 400th Wasted Wednesdays Tee shirt, and we sang Happy Birthday to two Hashers. A naming ceremony followed for our relative newcomer, Dídac (bit of an athlete?), who – due to some hashers having difficulty remembering/pronouncing his name – was given the name of Dick Ass [Ed. it would be such a shame if this was his last hash…😬].

Down Downs [Ed. Yes, seven of them!] were awarded to:
• Undercovers & Nokkers – hares
• Newly-named Hasher – Dick Ass (Dídac)
• Dulux – 400 runs T-shirt
• Lowt’arse – Birthday
• Twin Buffers – Birthday
• Overshot – [Ed. mudsliding (?)]

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