Hash 1110


7:30 pm - 11:00 pm


Wrangaton Golf Club
Golf Links Road, Wrangaton, Devon, TQ10 9HJ
Hares: Py
RA: Guest RA
What 3 Words: trouser.breached.standard
On Down:

The Words Hash 1110 according to Balls Deep

Overshot missed out his usual history of the area but gave us all a warning about the Wrangutang! 


The hash had it’s ups and downs(sorry! hill based humour)


The Hares collared anyone who strayed from the laid trail, Dead man walking was getting a bit touchy feely.


Dimwit mentioned Just Horny left him for dust on the downhill from the tor.


It all ended with Sticky Bush flashing Piddler in the car park and seems that Whisperer likes nothing more than to relax in a pool with a beer after his hashing.


Down downs went to Dead man walking for his hand holding, Rent boy for his birthday, the hares.


I’m sure there are things I’ve missed but on on to Salcombe. 


Wrangaton Golf Club
Golf Links Road, Wrangaton, TQ10 9HJ
Hares: Py
RA: Guest RA
What 3 Words: trouser.breached.standard
On Down: Not set