Words for HASH 1130 Trademans Arms Stokenham 28.02.18
There is a deliberate falsehood in these words who can spot it?
It really was a wild and windy night when the hardcore of the hardcore of south hams hash harriers (24 in total) gathered outside the Trademans Arms. In a break of tradition and in view of the wind chill factor being -8c the drink stop was at the beginning Baileys, or Slippery Nipple (there were a lot of frozen nipples there too!).
The trail had been laid in saw dust (someone suggested pink flower would have been better) but all credit to the hares they had lugged enough sawdust around to make very decent trail on virgin territory that Rusty Bottom had sweet talked the farmer into letting her use.
Of the 24 has hashers, 5 of which were from Ermington I might add, 6 did the short, 5 walked and 15 did the long so the FRBʼs were evident. There were rumours that there was a splinter group of hashers from Ugborough and Bittaford that did their own thing – could this be the hash equivalent of Brexit?
Out on the trail apart from fighting the wind (so much wiiiiiiiiiiiind) the main excitement on the short was deer tracks spotted by Simon (Bare Backʼs husband I think), Mental Mickey politely pointed out a badgers set with very big holes before the rest of the shorts fell into them and Heckle hashed in a skirt and ‘Nora batty tightsʼ the general consensus was she was losing her northern edge and a true northerner would not have worn any tights at all!
On the longs, Whisperer needed topping up with alcohol as he was driving an electric car and the battery was low. I am not sure if the alcohol was so he could breath life into the engine, or keep him warm if he broke down. Dimwit kept calling to a hasher in the distance who kept turning away before realising it was the light house (the cold was affecting his brain poor boy). Apparently Bit of Rough should have had local knowledge to help the longs get back quicker but according to Rear Entry he was NO HELP AT ALL, and Bare Back’s husband refused to short cut at all. Low-T-Arse had been to a hypnotherapist and was convinced she was Usain Bolt and beat all the FRBʼs back.
Back in the pub order was restored with free chips and ale in a lovely warm pub as acknowledgement of the tremendous feat of the hares for laying the trail, and the dedication of the brave few who followed it. You could tell there were not many hashers there as when hash hush was called it went silent (or was that because Piddler was absent. Rear Entry did a very good job as standing in as RA as neither Squash Balls, or Goolie were there.
Down Downs went to the hares Overshoot and Rusty Bottom, and it was her birthday. Running late for 200 runs Dim Wit for calling to the light house and Whisperer to keep his alcohol levels up.
Thank you again to the hares and a great virgin lay from Rusty Bottom (the next one will be child’s play) and well supported by Overshoot when not slipping on the ice.