Hash 1144


7:30 pm - 11:00 pm


Thurlestone Parish Hall
Thurlestone Parish Hall, Thurlestone, Devon, TQ7 3LY
Hares: Olive Mr Olive
RA: TheJerk
What 3 Words: though.begins.cubs
On Down:

It was a blue-tiful Summers evening as we circled up in Thurlestone.

Filth, in her usual manor, had taken dressing up to another level, and turned up completely blue from head to toe dressed as a fabulous ‘Smurfette’. While Rubbery rocked up in an alternative mode of transport, as his Range Rover was back in the garage. Something wrong with the suspension apparently…

Obviously inspired by the theme Arso and Sushi couldn’t keep their hands off each other; hugging, making eyes, and groping each other’s bottoms.

Our hare (at this point loosely named ‘Mr Olive’) stood up to describe the hash:

  • A ‘Port of late heritage’ for the walkers – did he mean this was for the old?
  • An ‘Albarino’ for the shorts – reassuringly dry.
  • And a ‘Rioja’ for the longs – full bodied and somewhat hard going.

Hmmm.. cryptic?!

Then the hash was off, scattering across the beautiful South Hams countryside and along the cliff tops on our chosen routes.

Despite his t-shirt reading ‘Winner’ and ‘Finisher’ Dead Man Walking wasn’t quite feeling the love though, proclaiming ‘I don’t want to run on the sand’…. then later refusing to go on the assault course.

Out on the cliff edge Goolie was spotted pushing Ging Gangright over, perhaps in a bid for her life insurance? While Ubend was also seen shoving Marty out of the way as he passed her by. At this point I’m told the air turned blue…

More news includes; Jyde had the trots (more eeww than blue). Apparently this was the first time post THAT ski lift.

Love was in the air for Whisperer and his young lady Ama, when he realised his significant other had become lost on the trail. Abandoning the hash he retraced his footprints to find her, and hand in hand they completed the walkers routetogether – ahhhh.

To complete the hash everyone was sent over the local primary school obstacle course, while trying to impress Olive’s son. ‘Happy not ugly’ were the instructions, otherwise we wouldn’t win a lolly at the end of it. However, as the The Jerk rightly pointed out, smiling and trying to look attractive to kids in a school playground doesn’t really go down very well!

Ging Gang most impressed the judges on the slide with her shrieks and squeals, while Lazy Git was distinctly less impressive, scaring all that saw him as he squeezed out of the slide like a turtle head…

Back at the On Down it turned out there is a first for everything; as Piltdown Man discovered the joy of Thurlestone for the very first time – blue-min-eck! So overwhelmed was he of its beauty and heritage he left the party early.

Nice Buns came prepared with not one, not two, but three pairs of shoes to choose from, as she couldn’t decide which to wear, and Goolie was overheard proclaiming it was 1918….

Whisperer was awarded his 400 runs T-shirt and we all sang happy birthday to Jurano.

Mr Olive was finally given his own name: ‘Blue Nun’. How appropriate! And just when we thought there could be no more romance left for the evening, Boaty and Sushi were spotted alone together in the dark making the most of the swing chair…

Thanks go to the hares, newly named Blue NunPugsleyand Ivy F, although they all cheated by laying the trial on their bikes. Awards were given to Filth, for the best dressed ‘Blue’ hasher, and Ging Gang for her efforts on the slide.

Down downs were awarded to:

  • Olive and newly named Blue Nun – for a fabulous trail and delicious on-down BBQ
  • Whisperer – for his 400 run T-shirt
  • Jurano – the birthday girl
  • Jyde – for having the trots
  • And Lazy Git – for trying whey too hard

What a bluely fabulous evening!

On On to Beesands.

Rizzo x


Thurlestone Parish Hall
Thurlestone Parish Hall, Thurlestone, TQ7 3LY
Hares: Olive Mr Olive
RA: TheJerk
What 3 Words: though.begins.cubs
On Down: Not set