Hash 1159


7:30 pm - 11:00 pm


Fisherman's Rest
Fore Street, Aveton Gifford, Devon, TQ7 4JL
Hares: The Jerk
What 3 Words: zoomed.trappings.generated

Event Type

Is the Tide in or Out? Will you get Muddy or Wet or both? You’ll See!

The Words according to Windy Puff

Too much of a good thing?

A hash at AG, hared by The Jerk, on low tide, can only lead to one thing; Shiggy. A whole estuary of it! – And so it did (and equally it didn’t) come as rather a surprise to see Ging-Gang at the end of the hash without a sign that we’d come across any mud at all.

For the rest of us, I rather expect we should really have been in possession of a dredging licence going on the amount we all took home. – We had gathered with a few notable attendees and absentees; – We were let off paying our pounds with Dimwit missing (until Overshot stepped in later on), apparently on his annual pilgrimage in search of his sense of humour. More frequent visits required perhaps?

Wetspot who’d not been seen for 9 months, after the first 1/4 mile muttered it’d be another 9. – Rather sensibly, all the slightly vertically challenged, Crackerjack, Crazy legs, Pocket Rocket, Gary Glitter, HT2, Must Get etc., hashers took a break knowing they’d be out of their depth.

Hot Totty glowing at 29wks was very much in the camp of, No; can’t go near mud. No; can’t go near bullocks (apparently they get a little bit excited about her bump?!

We were told tales of a 3 mile short, a 41/2 mile medium and a 6 mile long. But this was suspect straight away with The Jerk feebly apologising for leaving his GPS at home (along with the truth). – After half an hour the Mediums and Shorts were still thigh deep, going in opposite directions on the same bit of river barely 200 yards from the start. On the medium it was 50 minutes before we reached the 1st check. It was going to be a late one. – Numerous hashers got stuck in the gloop and were taking rather different approaches; – Traffic Jam got the chivalrous Jyde to her assistance.

Sticky Bush made sure her competitors didn’t get away and indulged in a bit of mud wrestling. – Olive realised the futility of it all, so once stuck, was beyond calling for aid, threw in the towel and was simply going to wait for the tide to come in. – Fish hooks seem to have become very fashionable of late. The honey moon period is defiantly over and ‘normal’ marital service resumed with Re-Entry ‘allowing’ Just Horney ahead and thus reaching the fish hook first and taking one for the team.

Other notable points; – Never have I seen dots on the waterski area signs in the middle of the river. – Derek with an odd request for a kayak, when there blatantly wasn’t any water. But also, safely leaving his car keys with someone before setting off, but then forgetting with whom upon his return! – Blue Nun loudly and continuously whining, moaning and groaning about the mud. I’ll refer you to my earlier comment; was it ever going to be anything other than a strong nomination for Shiggiest hash of the year…? – Whisperer with a very welcome sweetie stop.

Once returned to the Fishermans rest. – A glass was raised for Bogeyman and absent hashers. OnOn. – Down Downs were awarded to; – The hares; Whisperer and The Jerk. – Jyde for his 500 runs shirt. – Sticky Bush for her mud wrestling antics. – Barbarella for getting lost (who along with Lowt-Arse only just made it back in time to claim their mead). – And the wonderful naming of Rock Hard Stiffy! – Overall, a slightly long and extremely shiggy hash, but laid down one of South Hams most beautiful estuaries.

Thanks boys. OnOn to Cornwood