Hash 1183


7:30 pm - 11:00 pm


Village Inn - Thurlestone
The Village Inn, Thurlestone, England, TQ7 3NN, Devon
Hares: Olive Blue Nun
RA: Goolie
What 3 Words: making.renewals.trophy
On Down:

The Words 1183 according to Jyde

Octopus week in the South Hams

We were assembled and accurate information about the forthcoming outdoor event was issued. Health and safety aspects were thoroughly emphasized and as the minute taker I have been tasked with representing a true version of the evenings team work, discussions and role play.

At the circle up Jyde had been hoping that by going skiing for 2 weeks that everyone might just have forgotten his turn to do the words. One can dream…  Annnd we were off…….

Claire a hasher new to this environment apparently asked Lowtarse to park herself near a hedge so that she could remove her undergarments. The substance of this story should be fact checked and indeed the rest of the story seems to have been redacted from the record.

Olive the hare reportedly was immersed up to her neck in a stream, the reason has yet to be established but delayed hypothermia may account for the confusion she demonstrated at the beer stop about the direction of the hash thereafter. There may be of course other reasons, but it would be inappropriate to speculate. Nevertheless, we must congratulate Olive on her tenacity in finding out the truth about where she actually was at the beer stop, by phoning a friend, her husband Blue Nun.

Overshot was reported to have fallen down a badger hole and Bit of Ruff fell over entirely, allegedly, because he was talking to Dimmers at the time. Once again, we can merely speculate as the subject of the discussion at the time. Dimmers was saving himself for Saturdays run although I am failing to find any links here.

No Principles apparently locked her car to a lamp post in much the same way as one would lock a bicycle to a railing. However as she had also locked her specs in the car she became unable to read the combination lock and unable to get back into her car. The author hopes that the specs were recovered for any night driving later in the evening and that no octopi were seen on the road.

Running late reportedly missed the beer stop because he thought it was a parked aircraft – I know!

Willie Waver won a bottle of the poshest Blue Nun on the planet which he did not open immediately. Most shockingly, and this has been verified, Hekkel and Twisted Sister got to the beer stop before it has even opened for business!  One suspects that there may have been an illegal navigation occurring.

Finally Little Chef proved a leader among hashers by going round a stile which everyone else felt the need to climb over.

With the observation that the team played out very well on that night I would like to thank the carers and coordinators of this experiential learning event and look forward to many more successful conflagrations.

Down downs were awarded to:

The hares Olive & Blue Nun
The newly named Pongy Thong
Jyde for a birthday
Running late for hallucinations
And possibly a virgin…


Village Inn – Thurlestone
The Village Inn, Thurlestone, TQ7 3NN
Hares: Olive Blue Nun
RA: Goolie
What 3 Words: making.renewals.trophy
On Down: Not set