Another good turnout of misguided running folk caused parking chaos in sleepy Ashprington. The weather was kind and SPOTTY BOTTY had even brought a ‘showgirl’ ( hash name in the making?) virgin to experience the delights of what proved to be an extremely shiggy hash.
OVERSHOT spouted some more rubbish including, possibly and probably, the worst joke he has ever come up with. Speak to him for full details…I’m sure he will have great delight in repeating it.
SQUASHED BALLS and SPOTTY BOTTY nearly came to blows over who would have the great honour of being RA for the night. Needless to say that the woman always wins! The hares came on to regale us with the delights of the hash and we were off.
Now comes the interesting bit. If you are not told you are doing The Words until you are back in the pub you tend not to take too much notice of happenings on the hash. Couple that with having to mostly walk due to a dodgy knee and therefore being on your own at the back, you tend to miss a lot. Never fear, the RA kindly gave me her rambling thoughts of the Hash written illegibly on a scrap of paper after she had finished with them. Pity I can’t make head nor tail of them but I’ll give it my best shot.
Apparently there was a Ha – Ha ….. not too funny for those on the long, PUGSLET made LO-TARTE swart – Barstand! PONGY THONG had no buses on pongy feet and started late having a ginie moment. There was a ‘sizist’ conversation with MICE BUNS TB and THE BERK about fruity wine not high street and ard at the bear stop. Someone was apparently sicked off in the boat.
HEIDI got refuse on a water crossing but won’t wallow. REAR ENERY was ninning so false that he kicked the chocos badly and led others ashtray. BOATY moult change as he didn’t want to put clean clotnes over his duty body. BMW asked GOOLIE to help him smell mice ( there’s those pesky rodents again) .. to attack someone of the opposite gander? WATER CHEF and BIT OF FUZZ moaned car alarm. Complaints (totally unjustified against my sons’ hash) were made of not enough cheeses and too many nobody hills but all agreed that he and RINZO had sucweeded in funding a serious amount of stocky shiccy not seen for quite some lime.
The wine stop was excellent .. many thanks to the hares and to RUBBERY who manned it and all in all a pretty fine hash. The pub was cosy and welcoming. A few people came a cropper on that lovingly placed step in the middle but that was a small price to pay for the warm welcome and, much to the dismay of the early diners who had paid, a lovely lot of beautifully cooked home chips provided for free! PIDDLER and GOMEZ were much pleased.
SPOTTY BOTTY was an excellent RA who went through the rubbish mentioned earlier and thanked the pub. We also gave a wonderful rendition of Happy Birthday to DIMMERS who tried to kid us he was nowhere near 50 yrs old although his running seems to be slowing down of late.
AMANDA from Loddiswell was put on notice that her naming was due, thinking caps on.
Down Downs were awarded to:
The hares PUGSLEY and RIZZO for a great hash
DIMMERS for his birthday
LINDA (the ‘showgirl’ brought by SPOTTY ) for being a virgin
LOW- TARSE for swearing about the Ha Ha
The pub was thanked again and it’s on-on to Wrangaton Golf Club.