Hash 1192


7:30 pm - 11:00 pm


South Milton Village Hall
Backshay Park, South Milton, DEvon, TQ7 3LD
Hares: Spotty Botty Bee Flicker
RA: Overshot
What 3 Words:

Event Type

The words according to Olive

Pinky & Barbies Return / A quaestionem de octo (Hash 1192)

How do you make an Octopus laugh – pause – You give it Ten Tickles!!  (Even longer pause to allow the tumble weed to blow through South Milton).  After this appalling start the real theme of the evening was addressed – the 8 Indicative options, do we have unity on what route to take at the checkpoints and will we have a leader by the end of the evening?

Circle up was South Milton and the interesting fact was South Milton is recorded in the Domesday book as Middleton, and dropping the D’s and E’s you get South Milton – or was it Overshot showing he is still down with the kids by dropping the E’s?

Rubbery arrived with a package, with the grace of an Octopus desperately trying to get back into the water he flapped and prodded and slowly unveiled his new plastic bag collecting receptacle.  I am not sure where he was but clearly did not realise he was in South Milton and Thurlestone – Only Prosecco bottles in the hedgerows around here!!

The Hash was a Virgin Lay for Bee Flicker, under the tutelage of Spotty Botty all day, it was suggested he deserved a Down Down for putting up with SB all day, but in true Harriette Harmony I will not comment on the sexist overtones of Overshots recommendation, but if any Harriette would like to take note the next time we RA, Overshot for a Down Down!

The Down Downs theme continued the 8 options, but in true South Hams fashion the Octopus crept back in – thankfully no more Jokes came back, but one was quietly spoken:

What do you call 2 Octopuses that look the same – Itenticle!!

OK – Back to the 8 Indicative Options and the return of Pinky and Barbie from their Epic Eu trade relationship mission with special attention on public transportation.  There was a concern Barbie would not have even made it after a series of questions raised on Facebook:

  1. Park at on down – walk to circle up
  2. Park at circle up – walk to on down
  3. Park at circle up – park at on down
  4. Just go to on down
  5. Not come at all
  6. Delay deciding
  7. Not decide at all
  8. Go on another trade mission

Thankfully he did not get a majority vote on any of the indicative options, so the Status Quo remained.  And then onto the Hash itself.  Criticism of the lack of checks was raised again by Overshot, saying at least 8 arrows could have been checks, personally speaking there are never enough arrows, too many dots and circles, not enough strong and stable leadership!  The one very skillfully laid check did result in Re-Entry getting upset by his lead being cut and some muttering about walkers kicking it out the wrong way.  The SB bashing did continue with Overshot suggesting she failed in her hare’s duty by sending at least 8 hashers to the wrong place for the Circle Up.  The levels of Sexism within the RA address I think should be referred to the executive committee for an internal enquiry, into the public hounding of Harriette’s.

Back to the theme of 8, apparently 8 FRB’s ran past a check without kicking it out, it was actually 8 legs, Dimwit and Marty running after their dog!

Next up was a naming!  After the debacle of the last couple of weeks and the thankful intervention of the Urban Dictionary (Did someone say Rug Muncher?) it was the turn of

  1. Amanda
  2. Sandy
  3. Sandy being Amanda
  4. Amanda being Sandy
  5. Shiggy Shaggy
  6. MISTY (Mistaken Mandy)
  7. Check Mate
  8. Shaggy

Unlike the theme of the indicative votes we did get a clear majority – Shaggy!

There were a couple of Virgins, Blue Nun and Olive’s Son – Piers – he did miss the Beer stop, but in no way did he miss the turning, he heard there was no vintage wine on offer so decided to carry on – but when he got back and heard about the quality of the Cookies went back to get one – Quality Cookies!! New standard in home baking set there if anyone dares to dip their toe into the water in future.  The other Virgin was Pocket Rockets Driver – neither got a Down Down due to their age – not that it stops them back home!!

Apparently, Jerk was questioned about some dodgy activity in a field and disturbing the neighbours by shouting “Pongy Thong – Deep Throat over here!”  Let’s leave it there and in true hash style not let the truth get in the way of a good story.

At the round up there was a lot of mirth and merriment, it was not in response to Overshot’s Octopus Jokes (Why did the Octopus beat the Shark in a fight – Because he was well armed!) but because I was asked to do the words and did not know that Scribes was referring to myself.  Being a scholar of Latin I think Harriette’s will have sympathy with me, had I been addressed as “Scriba” I would have perfectly understood.  Again clear example of the deep routed sexism that runs within our party that needs route and branch investigation by our committee.

On On to Blackpool Sands

LOL Olive!


On Down The Village Inn Thurlestone