Hash 1425


7:30 pm - 11:00 pm


Plym Bridge Car Park (Plympton side)
Plymbridge , Plympton, PL7 4SR
Hares: Gaffer
RA: To Be Confirmed
What 3 Words: brief.pushy.couch

Event Type

The words according to Traffic Jam

Hash No. 1425 – Plympton National Trust Car Park – Hare – Gaffer
RA –

Huge apology to Traffic she beavered away getting the words done and emailed to me the next day, I read them and promptly forgot about them until she reminded me at the next Hash!……..oops Editor

Stand In Words Editor – Rubbery until next AGPU – volunteers welcome…..

SH4 were on an “away day”!
We were literally “on the edge”.
You see, the River Plym forms the border between the South Hams & Plymouth …. we should have brought passports for hashing on the right bank, but the left bank was on home ground.

Luckily, Plympton H3 were out in force, and with the Hare … Gaffer … surely we would be in safe hands??
Apparently not!
Gaffer made huge efforts to convince Hashers not to do the longs.
You need to be very brave.
Don’t go there if you’re a scaredy-cat.
No! “Don’t do it!”
What happened? ……. at least three-quarters of Hashers set off on the “long”!!!
No panic … there were repeated opportunities to slip back onto the short trail.

The trail was superbly well marked, with ridiculously steep and unstable slopes, and ……. why did Gaffer not give a health warning for the “shorts” as well?
The riverbank had hole after hole after hole, lying in wait to catch your ankle and toss you into the fast flowing waters.

Did anyone fall in??
No worries ….. we all had an opportunity to get wet as we tiptoed along the top of the weir, Gaffer attentively giving encouragement and sometimes offering a helping hand.
A second time he led the tail-enders across the water, this time in the dark with head torches glowing.
When asked if he was looking after those crazy “longs” as well, he replied that they could look after themselves … after all, it was only an eight metre drop off the cliff!
To be fair, there had been no cries for help, and no sound of the Air Ambulance.
No cries for help, but certainly there were screams of delight as Olive, and Ching Chang, Winnie and Rizzo took a dip in the deep water crossing.
For Blown Off, it wasn’t deep enough.
Accident prone Blue Nun ended up with a gash on his leg … hope he recovers in time for laying next week’s Hash.

Lucky for Goolie, the On Downs were at a Wetherspoons! where he worked the floor, gathering information and writing totally illegible notes for the OnDowns.
He couldn’t read them himself (awaiting a cataract op) and neither could I, despite a new pair of specs.
There was a naming for Jackie …. Oui Oui … the girl who always says “yes”!

Down Downs were awarded to
Oui Oui,
Little Chef nominated Bit o’ Ruff,
Boaty for his birthday and a couple more that I can’t remember … sorry.

On On to the next Hash at the Village Inn, Thurlestone

Traffic Jam