Hash 1458


7:30 pm - 11:00 pm


Pickwick Inn
Pickwick Inn, St Anns Chapel, Devon, TQ7 4HQ
Hares: Goolie & & Know Nuts
What 3 Words: salon.intruding.launch

Event Type

The Words according to MARTY

Hash 1458 – ST ANN’S CHAPEL

We were welcomed to the hash by Goolie and Know Nuts and told the usual 3-mile Short and 5-mile Long (perfect distances!).

Know Nuts very kindly laid lines of flour under each barbed wire fence we had to navigate. Within seconds, Live Wire had a spectacular trip on a tree root, but managed to hold it together and regain his balance, much to the admiration of Nice Buns and Rusty Bottom. ( I think Rusty was just glad she didn’t have to pick gravel out of Live Wire’s face and could continue on her Hash).

The first boggy stream we arrived at, Grumpy Arse was violated by Olive: Olive was running at such speed she slipped and deposited her water bottle up Grumpy Arse’s bottom (She wasn’t grumpy after that!! [Ed. whatever floats your boat…!] 👀).

Unfortunately, I had to leave before the R.A, Overshot, could present his tales to the group. Dimmers very kindly offered to collect Overshot’s scribblings. Overshot rather rudely said to him, “I bet Marty will just photograph the notes like she did last time”. When Dimmers told me about Overshot’s comment on Wednesday night, I was deeply offended by the slur on my Words-writing reputation (completely true, but don’t broadcast it!). Right: these are going to be the best words I have ever written!! Then, to my horror, there were no notes…only drawings of kitchens with squiggles on!! What is a girl supposed to do with that? So I took photos of the said plans, just to prove that Captain Overshot had not made any notes and fudged the entire R.A session!!

So, it is with great sadness that my words end here, as I do not have the relevant information to continue.

On On to wherever the Facebook Page or the Website says (Ed. please see next hash listing, below, for the exact ‘wherever’).

Marty xx

DOWN DOWNS were awarded to:
• Goolie & Know Nuts – Hares
• Nutcracker – Birthday (with attendant overture)
• Can’t Come – gruesome thumb injury
• Muckspreader – graceful estuary dip
• Dirty Nights – wardrobe malfunction
• Virgin (Guest of Ching Chong? Says she ‘might’ come along again…)

ON ON to PLYMPTON-ish [see below].

🏃 📸 🍻 You can enjoy (unedited) highlights from the St Ann’s Chapel Hash 1458 on 13 March 2024, and afterwards at The Pickwick Inn, by checking out Hash Flash’s purpose-built photo album on the SH4 Facebook Group 📸 🏃🍻


Next SH4 Hash 🐷👣:

HASH 1459, (Near) PLYMPTON – 20 March, 2024
CIRCLE UP: Ridge Road Junction
Junction at Merafield Road to Ridge Rd, Plymouth , PL7 1UF
What 3 Words: menu.prices.order
Parking is at the side of the road, Ridge Road.

The Elburton Inn
221 Elburton Road

Hares: Gaffer
RA: She’s Ready

Please see the Hash 1459 event page on the SH4 Facebook Group for further details.

Add your photos of the evening’s happenings at PLYMPTON (Weds 20 March, 2024) to the Hash 1459 photo album.

📝 If you’re the lucky Scribe at PLYMPTON this week, please submit your edition of The Words to thewords@sh4.org.uk – by Sunday evening, ideally – thank-you-please! 📝

SH4 MercHASHdise (OK, OK, I know: needs work…)

Show your love for SH4 and wear your membership proudly with a bespoke SH4 car sticker!

Available exclusively to SH4 members (and, to be fair, anyone else who wants one…) for the bargain sum of £0.50 ea., you can afford one for every vehicle in your fleet! 😊

See Rizzo at the next meet for yours 👣


AND watch this space for more exciting hashing events coming up in 2024, including (but by no means limited to) Summer Solstice, the SH4 1500 Hash, and Pre-Xmas!
ON ON! 👣