The mismanagement Committee have looked at ways to make the distribution of The Words more efficient. Manually adding Hasher’s Email addresses to a distribution list was time consuming and often inaccurate. Occasionally, Hasher’s personal Email details were inadvertently distributed to the whole list which has potential privacy concerns.
Like some other local Hashes who’ve already done this, we’re going to move to a professional (though free) Email List System called MailChimp. This list will only be used for sending out The Words and will not store Hasher’s personal information and will be completely separate from any Membership records the Hash keeps. Hashers can join and unsubscribe to this list as and when they please without having to ask someone to do this for them.
You can sign up for this list at any time by using the form at the bottom of the Web Site. We won’t be using the old method after the 1st of January 2017 so you’ll need to be signed up on it by then. When you sign up, you’ll get an initial email from MailChimp/SH4 where have to confirm your Email Address to show that it’s you signing up. You’ll then also get a welcome Email. That’s it, job done.